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Good morning my babies!

Yesterday I published version 0.40 with a lot of things, however I forgot to call in each scene the event that caused Mia's clothes to change, something quite important considering that the version was around that.

So here is a quick patch solely to fix that!

If you haven't seen the ChageLog from the previous version yet, you can see it here: Alpha 0.40! I assure you that there are many very interesting things!

See you in the next post my babies, I'm sorry for the inconvenience of this update, kisses ~


Buenos días mis bebes!

Ayer publiqué la versión 0.40 con un montón de cosas, sin embargo se me olvidó llamar en cada escena al evento que hacia que la ropa de Mia cambiase, algo bastante importante teniendo en cuenta que la versión iba en torno a eso.

Así que aquí hay un parche rápido únicamente para solucionar eso!

Si aun no has visto el ChageLog de la versión anterior, puedes verlo aquí: Alpha 0.40! Te aseguro que hay muchísimas cosas muy interesantes!

Nos vemos en el siguiente post mis bebes, siento las molestias de esta update, besitos~




So, maybe I'm just missing things, but how do we get more money in game? I've seen you mention that there are different tasks and missions you can do, but I can't find any of them.


For now the only way to get money is with the mission to buy vegetables and spices for Emily, in addition to the one you start with. I plan to put side missions in the future, like going to buy something for someone or help remove scrubs, things like that. But this is going to have to wait because the next update is going to be about the story, I haven't done one of that in a long time!