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Good morning my babies~

First of all I wanted to start this post by thanking you for the enormous support you have given me during this month, you have far exceeded my expectations, you are seriously fucking awesome!

- What plans do I have for this month?

I have many things in mind guys, the first thing is that this week I will be translating "A Whole Week In Diapers", by the end I will continue advancing in the story, in the next 2-3 weeks I will finish the first part of the story, the first chapter , and it is very likely that I will start with another game idea that I have in mind!

- Is something going to happen with Patreon?

The truth is that if! I plan to edit the tiers and it is very likely that the price of the "Glitch Tier" will lower, in addition to adding other new tiers and perhaps changing the name of the existing ones, this will be seen and I will try to notify you in advance of the changes while asking for your opinion on it!

- When will the Demo of "A Whole Week In Diapers" be?

First of all I want to clarify that the Demo is not Chapter 1, the demo is an incomplete version of the game so that people can see if they are interested in playing it.

The demo will be ready before August 7! And if you ask, it will be in Spanish and English.

- When are you going to translate "A Whole Week In Diapers"?

Well, since I am going to have to translate the game almost completely for the Demo version, it is very likely that I will continue to develop it in English, since you are a much higher number than the Hispanic people. Everything will depend on a survey that I will do in a few days!

- I have received little feedback.

This is something that I do not quite understand if it is good or bad, that is, the support that you are giving at the monetary level is incredible and I do not have a single complaint. The issue is that there are almost no comments in the posts, whether they are complaints or ideas to fix, the game is in an Alpha phase and therefore has many errors, I would very much like if you find any or think something could be do otherwise you will notify me of it.

I want to make it clear that if there is something I like more than creating games is reading you, all of you are awesome and I would love to know your opinion!

In addition to everything I have said, I have decided, I will do more surveys so that you can have an opinion both in the development of the games, as in the Patreon and Discord!

- New image for the Info post!

I didn't quite like the previous image so I started creating another one and this is the result, I hope you like it! n.n

- Achieved goals.

As you already know there are several established goals and the last one involved hiring illustrators or artists to help in the development of the game, well this is something that I will try to do throughout this month, I will try to find abdls artists to be able be, I'll be putting updates!


And this is all guys, I hope you like the plans I have and that you are happy with it, again any doubt or suggestion you can leave it in the comments!

See you in the next post babies, kisses ~


Muy buenos días mis bebes~

Antes de nada quería comenzar este post agradeciéndoos el enorme apoyo que me habéis dado durante este mes, habéis superado mis expectativas con creces, sois jodidamente geniales en serio!

- ¿Qué planes tengo para este mes?

Tengo muchísimas cosas pensadas chicos, lo primero es que esta semana voy a estar traduciendo "A Whole Week In Diapers", para el finde seguiré avanzando en la historia, en las próximas 2-3 semanas terminaré la primera parte la historia, el primer capitulo, y es muy probable que comience con otra idea de juego que tengo pensada!

- ¿ Va a pasar algo con Patreon?

La verdad es que si! Tengo pensado editar los tiers y es muy muy probable que le baje el precio al "Glitch Tier", además de meter otros nuevos tiers y tal vez cambiarle el nombre a los que hay, esto ya se verá e intentaré avisaros con tiempo de los cambios a la vez que pedir vuestra opinión sobre ello!

- ¿Cuándo estará la Demo de "A Whole Week In Diapers"?

Antes de nada quiero aclarar que la Demo no es el Capitulo 1, la demo es una version incompleta del juego para que la gente pueda ver si le interesa jugarlo.

La demo estará lista antes del dia 7 de Agosto! Y si te lo preguntas, estará en español y en ingles.

- ¿Cuándo vas a traducir "A Whole Week In Diapers"?

Pues debido a que voy a tener que traducir el juego casi completamente para la versión de Demo, es muy probable que continúe desarrollándolo en ingles, ya que sois una cantidad mucho superior a la de gente hispana. Todo dependerá de una encuesta que haré en unos días!

- He recibido poco Feedback.

Esto es algo que no termino de entender si es bueno o malo, es decir, el apoyo que estáis poniendo a nivel monetario es increíble y no tengo ni una sola queja. El tema es que no hay casi comentarios en los posts, ya sean de quejas o de ideas para arreglar, el juego está en una fase de Alpha y por tanto tiene muchísimos errores, me gustaría mucho que si encontráis alguno o crees que algo se pudiese hacer de otra forma me avisarais de ello.

Quiero dejar claro, que si hay algo que me gusta más que crear juegos es leeros, todos vosotros sois geniales y me encantaría saber vuestra opinión!

Además de todo lo dicho he decidido, haré más encuestas para que podáis opinar tanto en el desarrollo de los juegos, como en el Patreon y Discord!

- Nueva imagen para los post de Info!

La imagen anterior no terminaba de gustarme así que me he puesto a crear otra y este es el resultado, espero que os guste! n.n

- Metas cumplidas.

Como ya sabéis hay varias metas establecidas y la ultima de ella conllevaba contratar a ilustradores o artistas para que ayudaran en el desarrollo del juego, bien pues esto es algo que voy a intentar hacer durante todo este mes, voy a intentar buscar artistas abdls a poder ser, os iré poniendo actualizaciones!


Y esto es todo chicos, espero que os gusten los planes que tengo y que estéis contentos con ello, de nuevo cualquier duda o sugerencia podéis dejarla en los comentarios!

Nos vemos en el siguiente post bebes, besitos~




Ive been busy finding bugs in multiple games so I havent really had time to give feedback to multiple developers, Sorry about that Ill be sure to give my opinions on what would be a good addition and any bugs I find


I've still been waiting for the big next demo for my patreon tier to comment on it!


Regarding feedback, that's the thing... I think most of us are in a tier where we can't try the development of the game, as it's still in alphas. Every now and then I read the updates, but I miss some more "demo" of what has been done, there's usually a screenshot but it's hard to see what's the difference between the previous and the new one. Maybe short videos/gifs could help more, also for when you change sounds for instance.


Do not worry! The post I put it mainly in case there is someone shy who is afraid to write n.n


You're right, maybe I should publish an Alpha every 5 or 10 versions to keep you informed at least, I am a little sorry that you cannot even test the game considering that you are contributing to the patreon... :(