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Good morning guys!

I've been editing and working on discord for quite some time today, I hope you like it and if you want, share it with other ABDL friends.

There is still a lot of work to do because even though the channels are made, they are empty so soon I will be adding more content!

It will be a public discord, although the patreons will have special channels for both speaking and writing.

I hope you like it a lot and see you in the next post!

Link: https://discord.gg/Bn8JKDvCzZ 

Kisses ~


Buenos dias chicos!

He estado bastante tiempo hoy editando y trabajando en el discord, espero que os guste y si quereis lo compartais con otros amigos ABDLs.

Aun queda bastante trabajo pues a pesar de que esten hechos los canales, estos estan vacios asi que proximamente iré metiendole mas contenido!

Va a ser un discord publico, aunque los patreons tendreis canales especiales tanto para hablar como para escribir.

Espero que os guste mucho y nos vemos en el siguiente post!

Enlace: https://discord.gg/Bn8JKDvCzZ 




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