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Chapter XIII


Part 19

Melissa wasn't exactly quaking in her boots at the sight of the needle, but the chill that skittered down her spine was real enough to raise the dead—or at least her goosebumps. There she was, eyeballing the shiny little spear encased in rubbery glove armor, with a blend of fascination and 'what the hell am I doing?' It wasn't fear, no. It was the adrenaline kick you get right before you dive into the unknown... 

Enter Anna, the whirlwind in human form, crashing into Melissa's massage parlor gig and flipping her world from monochrome to a dubious shade of neon. Suddenly, Melissa's life wasn't just about wiping drool off her little brother's chin; there was room for a little self-indulgence too. So here she sat, perched in the cosmetology throne, bracing for impact...



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