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"Shall we dance, my silver lady?" Kyle's words were basically sarcastic but sounded like a velvet caress as he effortlessly guided Jana up from her seat. In her towering heels, she loomed above him, yet it did nothing to diminish Kyle's commanding presence.

Swept up in the moment, Jana found herself moving in sync with his assured steps, her hesitance and confusion started dissolving into a haze of champagne and pulsating rhythms. Kyle's hands, firm and unyielding, steered her with an ease that left her feeling uncharacteristically pliant, softening her resolve like marmalade in the sun.

Internally, a voice screamed, "What the fuck are doing, mom?!" Yet, the question was a distant echo, drowned out by the intoxicating blend of blood boiling danger and desire that Kyle exuded, leading her further into the dance, both literal and metaphorical, of the night's unpredictable tempest...



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