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Chapter XII

The Reunion

Part 44

... It's hard to say what Mrs Swanson was dreaming of ... But her wrinkled face, adorned with new fake lips, looked quite peaceful ... 

- Oh, YEAH! Annie, she looks much juicier ... Maybe some more?

- I'm sure that's enough for now, it’s not yet known how her body will react to this drug ... Believe me, I know what an allergic reaction looks like ... I knew one bitch ...

- Bitch?

- Yes, she was a real fuckin bitch ... But it doesn't matter ... Just trust me. Her face looked really awful after the procedure... So we shouldn't joke about this... Let's not rush, honey... Step by step... step by step... Come on, you better sit down. We need to finish off the vial. At least we know that you are definitely not allergic ... 




I can‘t wait to see her after her complete transformation. I believe in future this trio have much fun.


Sleep mom and wake up to a whole new life!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Ps, that nose has got to go!! 😜


She will end up looking way younger. Hope she will be grateful and connecting with her sweet little baby daughter


I can't wait for Mrs Swanson to embrace her new life!