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Chapter XII

The Reunion

Part 16

- Keep calm, my sweet KitKat. It’s juct common inflammation. It’ll pass quickly. Trust your experienced friend... Hmm… Yorick, Yorick… Maybe a bit freaky. But I sure it should fit perfectly when I’ll buy u a new ass. 

...Kitty shivered but smiled anyway. Knowing about Anna’s idiotic bimbo humor it was expected to hear something like this. The poor little was already used to endless jibes about her flat chest and ass...

However, it seemed to Andrew that Annie was not joking. He looked curiously at Kitty's embarrassed face and this time he liked her much more. Damn it, he thought. After all, Annie is totally crazy and she can really buy this cutie a new ass, and maybe even boobs ... boobs… Something got heavy in the panties ...

Andrew, mon amie. You won't be offended if I tell u I forgot the cash at home ... So many difficulties with this damn wheelchair for stupid blondie. It makes my head spin. Is there any other way we can solve our financial issue, Andrew? Meow.




Think they are both looking stunning, kitty's style is really hot and when she's persuaded to get enhanced she'll be amazing.. And Annie, what can say? Pure sexy plastic goddess of gorgeousness!!! 😍😘❤️🍆🔥🔥🔥


Where have we seen those heels before? 😍😂


That leather looks so nice from its texture on little Kitty now :D Great picture


Tattoo Anna on kitty's ass or inner thigh