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Chapter XII

Part 2

...Janice walked around before stopping beside the plastic bimbo. Kitty’s fake tittys stretched the thin fabric of her pink shirt as she danced, the edges revealing massive side-boob that showed the girth of her round implants.

“Um hey Kitty right? Frank told me that you could train me to bartend.”
Kitty whirled around to face Janice, Janice jaw dropped as she felt Kitty’s big fake tits turn, brushing her own small ones since they were so big and jutted out from her chest.

“Giggles like yay! Don’t worry its like omg really easy? Even if you’re totally high or like can’t think really hard like me?” Kitty smiled before pointing behind her with a pink-bangled hand.

“See these big pink stickers? They like say the exact name of all the like drinks we have! They are all like already mixed? So we just have to pour like the men from the bottles what they want! An like take their moneys! We only like take credit cards for the drinks so we don’t have to do any counting! Yay!” Kitty clapped her hands.

“Glasses are over here… and like put dirty ones in the big sink here and like they get washed later on tonight!” Kitty added. Janice almost laughed at how easy this seemed.

“Okay well I think I got it, thanks Kitty.” Janice said.

“Like okay! You take over an I’ll like help an watch!” Kitty giggled as she moved out of the way.
An older gentleman approached the bar. He seemed to size Janice up with his eyes before glancing over at Kitty and practically having sex with her with them. “I’ll take the Diamond Special.” He said.

“Coming right up sir.” Janice said before turning and scanning the stickers. She then ducked into the cubby before producing the bottle. She grabbed a fresh glass before filling it up with the alcohol.

“Here you go sir.” She smiled as he handed her his card. Janice turned to the swiper that was resting on the counter next to her and swiped his card before handing it back.

“Enjoy your drink.” She smiled. 




At the moment Janice has the most brain of all the Pink Diamond Girls