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"The new heights"

Part 38 2/2

...For about half an hour, motionless Kitty sat on  the backdoor staircase in Anna's house ...

She did not quite understand how she ended up here, it seems she only  a minute ago entered the building of her faculty ... And then... nothing then... 

No, she didn’t cry at all, but there was like a veil in front of her eyes from which the picture she saw today appeared again and again ... That girl next to Harry was really beautiful. Kitty could see his admiring glance.  It was natural true beauty ... She haven't seen her before here ...But now Kate began to realize why Harry had been so cruel and indifferent to her last weeks. She had no chances comparing herself with such a beauty. The poor little even felt herself  like a natural clown in this ridiculous outfit, with these ridiculous lips, with these f*** glued nails ...




I think Anna will come up with an AWESOME idea Maybe ruining the girl natural beauty? Or Kitty try to Seal her from Harry? There are thousands of possibilities


Good that she didnt cry She is also slowly changing inside


So exciting!!! Can't wait to see what happens.. I can't even guess!! Topman SN!!