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Chapter VI


(Part 16)

- Daddy, let me finish this rat?!!!!!

- It's useless, even if we finish with him, two new ones will instantly take his place... Listen to me, Michael, nowadays you can't solve everything with violence...

- From whom am I hearing this, Daddy? Did not you teach me to solve all problems quickly, without any snot? And now you decided to play a pacifist?

- Michael, you're already far from being a boy, but still a complete fool... Do not you understand? now other times...  The Federals control everything, all the cash flows, all the supply channels, they have the whole state apparatus, they even can use army at any moment, we are just dust in comparison with them, and the fact that we are still in the game... only thanks to my status as a senator... But I feel ... Cough ... I feel that this is no longer a strong defense... These "rats in epaulets" are everywhere ... You know it's easy to negotiate with crime, but these! They have no principles, no ... just gray rats...

 ... Anna had never seen the boss before, but only by the manner of speaking, it was already clear that a fifty-year-old man at the table is exactly him... His soft, insinuating, but at the same time confident voice was strongly contrasted with Michael's nervous masculine remarks... Baby tried to think about something of her own, about new shoes, about pigtails, about Linda, but every word of this man like a corkscrew drilled into her mind, she heard almost the whole conversation... "Oh Yeah, weird people..." "What a wonderful anniversary! it is more fun at the funeral than here”...

... Although on the other hand, it was much easier for Anna to dance in such atmosphere ... soft music, pleasant lighting, a delicious smell of smoke... She tried not to look at the table... She tried to abandon everything and just dance for her pleasure, surrendering to the smooth flow of a musical theme... as Linda asked her... 

But Anna still didn’t believe in success, and how could she attract the attention of such an old wolf? And even if she can do it, what's next? Even from one thought of speaking to this person, she was shivering ... Fuuhh...



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