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Chapter VI


(Part 3)

“...Lord Jesus! I can not stand it any longer! AAA!” - Anna could barely contain herself trying not to cry... It seemed that under the bandage eruption of Vesuvius began - “I sholdn’t touch, I shouldn’t!!!”

...Linda's short story about yesterday, more correctly to say the day before yesterday - (Anna slept after the surgery for about 20 hours) hit hard on our poor little. “Is this really happening? Kristy was absolutely right, I'm a complete douchebag... Damn this Kristy! But Linda! What does she think of me now? Yes, she kept pretending that nothing had happened ... BUT! I'm really ashamed of her! I hate myself!” - for a half an hour, Anna stood in front of a mirror in her bedroom, balancing between the desire to scratch her nose and kicking herself. Yes, Linda told her everything, but Anna herself had that foolish day out of her head... She tried in vain to reconstruct the picture of the events. But It was much more complicated than a puzzle of 1000 pieces... All blurred, crumbled and fell apart: champagne ... Listerman ... red rats ... handsome with a cigar... "Damn it, how it all hurts and itches under this *** bandage! ..AAA...” - Anna clenched her teeth even more, tears began to appear in her eyes... 

...Suddenly, the  funny thought flashed through her mind: now she looked like the rivals of the young Mike Tyson, her dad liked to watch his best fights (of course, secretly from her mother) . It slightly weighed her, but the new thought finally spoiled the mood. “University!

What should I do? I can not appear there in this form! Very soon the first exams ... I'm already missing too many classes! And if I get kicked out ?!” But a strange inner voice suddenly began to reassure:

- Don’t worry, Anna,  you're smart, you'll manage!” 

- And if not?!”- Anna protested...

- Hmm... Think! Do you really need this study now? Especially since you have Linda, your beloved Linda,  you should help her  first... And your mother? You know that it is difficult for her, there, in that God-forgotten town! Remember her sore back! She needs the money you send her! .... Anna did not know what to answer, it seems she went crazy ...




Yesss! Hopefully she drops out!!


I can feel it in my water... Goodbye collage!!! Hello stripper!!!