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Return to Seat Village

After all that happened, Fortress Murcia was completed, and we could finally go home.

"It was quite a big job, but now all of His Majesty's requests are complete. Thank you all for your hard work!"


They gathered in front of the castle gate on the Scuderia side and greeted each other. The knights who were lined up to it gave a wild reply.

In the front row stood Murcia, the deputy, and Dee and Arv, the temporary knight commanders. Behind them were the two hundred Knights of Seat Village and Murcia's hundred men. In addition, about ten adventurers who remain in Fortress Murcia are standing in line.

On the other hand, this is Van, a super genius boy, his super beautiful fiancée Arte, Tyll, a super beautiful maid, and the most powerful man. In addition, there is Roe, Rango, a merchant, and Bora, the strongest mechanical bow team. In addition, ten adventurers stand in a row, serving as guides and escorts.

"The Bellrango Chamber of Commerce will be supplying us with supplies soon, so please don't worry about consuming condiments and alcohol."

Murcia nods with a wry smile as she tells them this with a laugh.

"Thank you. Food is important. Just those words alone make me feel better. But I'm sorry, but I need to ask for reinforcements from the Knights as soon as possible. I know it's pathetic, but I'm worried that the Jiernetta Kingdom army might attack at any moment."

Murcia replies with a troubled look on her face. I nodded at that and opened my mouth, thinking about my future plans in my head.

"Yes. After all, this Fortress Murcia will be the front line, so we plan to send reinforcements, leaving only the minimum number of people in Seat Village. The Espa Knights will also be there, so it should be fine. If our plan to increase the population goes well, we will send more reinforcements."

Murcia's face relaxes in relief as he replies.

"That's very helpful. I'm a four-elemental magician myself, but I'm not good enough to change the war situation all by myself."

Murcia muttered as if it were nothing. These words brought to mind various uses for Murcia's magic.

An air gun came to mind, but I thought that a remote trap triggered by wind would be the most effective. If we could build a sturdy looking bridge made of stone, and then, in case of emergency, create a trap that could be instantly collapsed by Murcia's wind magic, it would surely have a tremendous strategic effect.

If we have several such points ready, we will have a better chance of being able to defend ourselves in a war against a major power.

"...No, I think Big Brother Murcia's magic has better uses. I'll think about that some more, won't I?"

"Eh? Oh, really?"

"Yes. If we can use such valuable magic, we need to think of a way to make the most of it."

We ended our conversation with such an exchange.

I told those who stayed behind about their work and the importance of defense, and told those who were returning to Seat Village to maintain a sense of urgency as we crossed the Wolfsburg Mountains.

After all, it is a dangerous road where large magical beasts used to come out like rabbits and raccoons. No matter how many roads we had built, we could not let our guard down.

I was nervous, but in a good way, I was surprised to find that I was wrong.

As in the previous tour, the Wolfsburg Mountains traversing tour would be a piece of cake if we had a skilled adventurer, a ballista, and a mechanical bow team. We would be able to spot and defeat the monsters before they appeared.

Moreover, the more easily they can march with their wagons, the fewer times they will be exposed to danger.

Although it was necessary to spend the night in the mountains, we built three large lodging facilities in open areas along the way. Although they were simple fortresses, they still allowed us to sleep in peace.

Thanks to these facilities, we were able to return home more comfortably and speedily than we had expected.

However, after returning to Seat Village, the hell began. Although I returned home and took it easy that night, Espada called me in for an emergency meeting the next day.

"...Good morning."

I greeted him as I rubbed my sleepy eyes, and a bishy-looking Espada nodded and answered.

"Good morning, Van-sama, it's time to get to work. First, let's start with what Van-sama asked me to do for you."

"What I say?"

"Yes. Yes. I thought we had a plan to train the best people for the job."

Espada's eyes flashed dully. Don't tell me you forgot," his eyes tell me.

"Oh, oh, I remember! There was a girl I put under Espada as a subordinate, wasn't there! Is that the girl?"

I hurriedly fit the story into my memory, and Espada glowers as if counting the number of my cold sweats, then slowly opens his mouth.

"...Yes, including that one, five people have been trained up to the primary stage."

"Five! That's wonderful! What is the first stage? I've never heard of it."

I ask Espada, tilting my head. Espada then raised his hand to show us the palm of one hand.

"It is a state in which each educational program is divided into five parts and can only be left to peacetime situations. The second stage is when the students have learned the basics and can apply them somewhat. The tertiary stage and above is when you can be entrusted to deal with unexpected problems."

"Heh, heh...so I'm at the 3rd level then, right?"

I replied with some humility. Then Espada narrowed his eyes.

"Van-sama is probably at the fourth level when it comes to war. The same goes for studies. But domestic affairs are at the secondary stage. Diplomacy and negotiations with the nobility are also considered to be at the secondary stage. Oh, as for business, the tertiary stage would be fine."

"Ah, thank you."

I shrug and thank him for his dry evaluation. How he received it, Espada nodded broadly, stroking his own beard.

"Van-sama has tremendous knowledge and energy in the subjects he is good at. However, he is reluctant to learn about etiquette, relations between nobles, and diplomatic situations with other countries. In the future, let's work on eliminating what you are not good at."

"...Ha, yes. I understand..."

I was told, "We're going to focus on the subjects you hate the most". How sad. I really don't care which count had a dinner party, or which marquis invited which viscount to a ball.

I intend to live permanently in a remote place where it is easy to stay indoors. I have no ambition to hold an important position in the kingdom. If you join a faction, you will have dinner parties and balls several times a month, so I don't want to join a faction.

The relationship with Panamera is just fine.

He did not say it out loud, but his head was spinning with thoughts that were uncharacteristic of aristocrats.

Perhaps anticipating this, Espada let out a deep sigh before opening his mouth.

"...For Van-sama, who hates such troublesome things, I raised two people who can be deputies. One is a former noble's daughter, a gem who also has a skeptical side due to her circumstances. The other is the eldest daughter of a knight's family, and we believe that she is well-educated. From now on, these two girls will also be included in negotiations with the nobles. For that role, the two of them have been released from their slave contracts and have been adopted by me."

"Heh! I have a lot to learn from you!"

I replied to Espada's report, not believing my ears. In response, Espada nodded shallowly without losing his poker face.

"After all, a nobleman must have a shadow in his heart. It is a fact of life that those who are bright and foolishly honest will be taken advantage of. In that sense, a former noble who lost his home and family and even became a slave has wonderful qualities..."

I force myself to nod my head, wanting to hold it, as Espada introduces me to good talent with a straight face, as if he were a recruiter.

"Wow, okay. I'll leave you in charge of those people, so you can raise good deputies."

"Yes, of course. In the same way, I was also able to make the other three have a reasonable amount of knowledge in the form of those who can manage finances, those who can manage supplies, and those who can manage the streets and facilities. I would like to ask Van-sama to interview them once and decide on how much discretion to give them."

"...I would love to leave everything to Espada already."

"That will not happen. Van-sama is the chief executive of this territory."


I responded to Espada, and then I was troubled by the troublesome issues that arose as the territory grew.


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