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[Rilfana PoV] Encounter with Mina-sama

--I made the wrong choice!!!!

Only the Holy Kingdom and its surrounding towns have the custom of getting down on their knees. This would not be sincere in any way.

In Radis Island, where I lived, there was a well-developed tourism industry, and people from many different countries came to visit, so it was rare to see them, but....

"Please. Please."

I couldn't look up, wondering what the other person looked like.

But I couldn't back down now after all this!

My name is Rilfana Radis. ...No, I am just Rilfana now.

The Radis family was a ducal family that ruled the Duchy of Vallecorina and the island of Radis from generation to generation.

Nobles started partying and entering social circles between the ages of 12 and 14. On my twelfth birthday, I had fallen ill in bed with a high fever, which left me with a lingering illness.

According to my doctor, it was not serious, but there was some memory impairment. That was not true, but I could not accept what the person concerned said.

Therefore, he had to wait until the last minute to make his debut in society, and at the age of just 14, he had not yet made his debut in society.

However, if they reached adulthood without making their debut in society, they would be seen as a problematic member of the aristocracy and would have no choice but to stay away from the social world.

Even if they waited until the very last minute, they had to wait until they were about 14 and a half years old.

A few months before my debut in society, my father and mother were killed in an accident, and as the only daughter, I had to take over the family estate and the position of head of the family as the head of the Radis family.

As a minor, I need a guardian. I asked my uncle, who was my father's younger brother, to take over the duties, and just as I was about to do so, a new fact surfaced.

He told me that his father had personally borrowed money. However, this was impossible.

The person to whom he borrowed money was a member of a faction that was hostile to his father.

However, we also had an IOU with your father's handwriting on it, so we could not ignore it. Also, because it was a personal debt, it could not be paid out of the estate's operating funds.

As a result, the debt could not be repaid, and I was reduced to intellectual slavery.

My uncle tried to protect me behind my back, but by the time I realized this was a set-up, it was too late.

"Well, all is well. Keep it on track."

"Yes, I'll be very busy, I'm a regular customer."

"Don't let the guard dog... Don't let the guard dogs out, they're too noisy."

"Well, I guess we'll have to transport them, then."

"The Radis of Fortune, you'll have to be more careful than usual."

A man with a bad look in his eyes forcefully takes me to a slaver with a face and voice like a squashed frog, who hands me over to him.

The Radis family [Fortune] is a sort of nickname attached to the house, as the generations of Radis have often been blessed with an abundance of Fortune to bounce back from any problems that may have occurred.

It was even said that they were protected by the goddess of fortune.

That name will probably end with my generation, though.... Rather, it may be replaced by [Bad Luck].

After that, I was put into a small room with minimal furniture and locked from the outside.

There is no bathroom, but the toilet is in a separate room on the side. There were a few slave gowns hanging on the wall. The [slave collar] that was put on me when I was brought here felt very cold.

For a while, they are learning how to behave as slaves, and then the rights and duties of slaves. This is their duty as slavers, and it would be bad if they were found to be negligent.

The study itself is easy compared to the various studies required of a nobleman, so there are no problems. There are no examinations, and if you don't understand something, there is no problem as long as you know that you have taught it.

At home, except for bedtime, someone was always close by. After my father and mother passed away, my housemaids were even more attentive to me and stayed with me.

Perhaps because of this, the hardest thing for me was that I could not leave my room except to study and had no one to talk to. Meals were two meals a day, one in the morning and one at night, and consisted of vegetables such as peeled potatoes and rice, cooked together in a messy dish. I had to take a bath only to wipe myself with hot water once every two days for almost a week.

Perhaps the guard dog that the man who brought me here was referring to my uncle. I guess I couldn't treat him with impunity in case of emergency, and even this is a much better treatment for a potential slave.

"Let's move."

A slave trader came to me in the middle of the night and said so.

I was pushed alone into a horse-drawn cart carrying slaves and moved from town to town over a period of several days.

I don't even know where we are now.

If they have been on the road for such a long time, they might have left Valle Collina.

The reason I left so late at night was probably because my uncle was searching for me in order to buy me back. I think that hope has now faded.

Luckily, the gentleman was kind enough to help me.

He didn't know the details, just that he was hired by a slave trader to keep his feet on the ground, and he thought it was normal transport of slaves. He did seem to wonder why we were transporting only one person this far, though.

In the town where we arrived two weeks later, things were different.

Normally, we would have been accommodated in a cheap inn, but in that town, the entire carriage was handed over to another Gyojin.

"You must do well."

The kind Gosha left with those words.

He left the town without further ado and two days later, the carriage was unloaded at the next town.

The new guru man tried to speak only the bare minimum. We were served breakfast and dinner, which was probably better than being completely ignored.

"Hah, it won't be too much trouble, will it?"

"Follow the instructions and you'll be fine. There won't be any record of what you did in the first place."

"Well, yes, but... Just this one time, okay?"

"Yeah, and I've got this much in gratuity for you."

This time, the man with the face of a squashed rat took off my [slave collar] and replaced it with another [slave collar].

I did not know at the time what the need was to replace it, because it was done in an instant, without my seeing it.

"Well, this is disgusting, but this is also my job..."

It seemed that the man in charge of the coach had made some kind of negotiation with a nearby coachman who was carrying slaves.

I was put back on the wagon with which he was negotiating. There were two people in the carriage, a man and a woman.

I was so mentally exhausted from the long journey and the lack of anyone to talk to, that I had no energy to speak and just sat there in silence.

Then I remembered the time when I was invited to the sanctuary of the Goddess when I was 12 years old and had a high fever.

The Goddess said at the end.

"This is a prophecy. When you meet someone who wants to be an adventurer, if you wish for salvation and truth, turn to him."

--the registration is a lapdog slave.

It was the kind of collar that that squashed rat-faced man replaced.

...This is very troublesome.

If you are an intellectual slave, it is not very difficult to pay your debts and be freed.

The IOUs that were supposedly forged were not that large, perhaps to make it look like a personal loan. Of course, to be freed, you need to work as a slave for five years, and you also need money to buy yourself out. Still, it will take time, but you can work hard if you think you will be freed someday.

On the other hand, pet slaves are known to not earn much money.

It is said that the only time a master who buys a slave of his choice would bother to free the slave is when he really wants to marry that slave.

If the master wants to give up a slave because he has a wife, he can sell him to a slaver rather than paying to free him.

Some people may have feelings for her by then and treat her like a housekeeper's maid, but whether that is a good thing or not depends on the character of the wife.

--The woman in front of you has the right to take me in.

The moment I thought that, I got down on my knees as quickly as I could to show my sincerity. This is neither the Holy Kingdom nor Radis Island. It is a blunder that can only be considered counterproductive....

"I'm thinking of registering as an adventurer."

With that one word, I immediately knew that this was the person the goddess had mentioned.

"Can you use weapons or magic?"

"I can use a dagger and a crossbow, though only for self-defense. I also have a fair amount of magic, so I think I can use magic if I learn it."

The truth is that I lied about everything except that I learned to use a dagger in self-defense.

But for some reason, even things I didn't need to say came out of my mouth. Saying that it was a lie here would have made a bad impression and would have been a waste of time.

After that, he seemed to be discussing the matter with his sister in a whisper. I couldn't hear them very well, but I heard the word "dad," so they might be minors.

...This is hopeless.

The master pays for the slave's food, clothing, and shelter, so a minor would not be able to support him.

If her parents were wealthy merchants, it would be a different story, but since she has the skill to defeat a subspecies of wolf and says she wants to be an adventurer, it is highly unlikely that she is the daughter of a merchant.

In the first place, I didn't sense any intention to take me in from the questions I asked earlier.

"...I will take you in. I'll take you in."


What do you mean? Was my wish to the Goddess understood?

At that time, when he saw the [slave collar] around my neck, he did not like it and asked me to change it to the bracelet type. This choice was made after I was warned that he might cut off his arm and run away.

I can only assume that it was a decision to run away. I guess I am still quite annoyed....

It is illegal to change the type of slave contract. I was made to wear the [slave collar] of a pet slave in the previous town, so I stayed.

The master is female, but if he prefers women, you will have to give up that one.

The one who became my master is named Mina-sama, and her sister is named Claire-sama.

Mina-sama had ice blue hair and emerald eyes, and was beautiful to say the least. By far more than any of the aristocratic daughters who had accompanied me to practice etiquette and other skills before my debut in the social world.

I think Claire-sama is as pretty as the sun with her beautiful red hair and round brown eyes. She also seems to have the kindness to hold my hand when I don't have the energy to speak.

"Let's go find a clothing store for now, I don't think I want to walk around with Rilfana in those clothes."

With that, he took me to the clothing store.

My clothes had not been changed since the first carriage ride and were very dirty, and I had not been able to wipe my body since we left the first kind gentleman, and now my hair and skin were very dirty.

Mina-sama bought me a lot of clothes.

I think I needed at least two outfits, but I was surprised that she bought so much for me, who hadn't done anything yet.

The elf shopkeeper, perhaps concerned about my dirt, let me wipe my body in the bathtub in the back of the store.

However, she seemed to have misunderstood me and made me put on some very revealing clothes....

"Masters who buy lapdog slaves like this kind of thing!"

The shopkeeper was very confident.

If Mina-sama wants me to wear it, I will endure the shame and wear it, but at least I would like to ask her to do so only in a place where no one but Mina-sama can see me....

When Mina-sama saw me dressed like this, her eyes were all over the place. I was relieved to see that she had a sane sensibility.

The story unfolded like a novel I once read about a wealthy adventurer who bought slaves.

While I was being coordinated by the elf shopkeeper, Claire-sama seemed to be choosing her own clothes.

Delivering letters and registering with the Adventurers' Guild were Mina-sama's errands.

She said she would probably leave the village after she came of age, so it would be a little while before she would be able to go on adventures with us, but she made me register as well.

By the way, has Mina-sama been diving in the labyrinth dungeon before she registered as an adventurer?

It seems that you have a lot of money for someone who just registered with the Adventurers' Guild. He gave me a gold coin, just in case something happened to me.

If I had enough money for several meals, I would be able to wait at the Adventurers' Guild even if I lost Mina-sama. Even if we couldn't meet up with them, the girl at the reception desk seemed to know a friend of Mina-sama's named Marc, so she would tell us if we asked her about the master's disappearance.

That evening we shared a pizza dinner with Mina-sama and Claire-sama at the inn.

Neither Mina-sama nor Claire-sama seemed to want to treat me as a slave. I think I was picked up by a good person.

I can only thank Mina-sama and the Goddess.

However, it bothers me that Mina-sama sometimes looks at my breasts with a regretful expression on her face.

Mina-sama's breasts are not small, just larger than normal...?

And Mina-sama is so beautiful that sometimes when she walks around town, people of both sexes look back at her, but she doesn't seem to be aware of why she is being looked at....

Whenever she is looked at, she tilts her head and wonders why.

Masters were sisters who came from the nearby village of Feld.

Since this is their first time in town, I will tell them what I know as much as I can.

In Radis Island, I have walked around stores here and there in the name of social study and inspection, and I have stayed at inns used by adventurers and merchants.

...I had a few housemaids and guards to help me out, but it was a lot of fun.

The only difference from those days is that I am the one who teaches!

Since you have caused me so much trouble by taking me in, I would like to repay you in any way I can.

Since you have been so good to me, I can't afford to make any mistakes.

During my stay in town, I went to a bookstore and bought a new copy of a book I had always read. I bought backpacks and pouches from you. They also accompanied me to church, which I requested because I wanted to thank the goddess. She also paid for my dagger, crossbow, and short sword.

--I feel like they are piling on more and more, rather than repaying me.

The day we were scheduled to return to Feld village.

It was raining, and we had to wait at the inn.

By the way, I received an appraisal paper from the Adventurers' Guild yesterday. I may be able to kill some time.

...Both Mina-sama and Claire-sama seem to be promising adventurers.

The appraisal paper is designed so that only you can see the appraisal results.

Since it is advantageous for the master to know the status of his slave, he usually orders him to tell him everything. If the slave is ordered strongly, he is forced to obey under the effect of the [collar of servitude] and cannot remain silent.

"You can do whatever you want Rilfana, she will tell you what you need to tell her, won't she?"

When I told her this, Mina-sama said she would leave it up to me to decide what to tell her.

Mina-sama is a beautiful woman, but sometimes she is manly and cool. My cheeks were burning.

But when she said that, it was hard for me to tell her the results of the appraisal.

I don't know how to tell them, and I'm sure they won't believe me.

"But if you can use that amazing technique, does that mean you need to be that strong?"

"Is it a great technique?"


Was it a secret from Claire-sama's reaction?

"It's a way to channel magic power into the sword and give it attributes."

"...Magic Sword...?"

Mina-sama's eyes widened when I mentioned the word that suddenly came to mind, and she asked me if I knew what it was.

This is one of the hardest questions to tell.

I happened to remember reading about a similar ability in a book I once read, so I decided to teach it to her.

It stopped raining in the afternoon.

We decided to go to the library, but on the way back home, I was again inconvenienced by Mina-sama.

I stained the clothes she had bought for me.

If it had been just water, it would have been fine, but the puddles in the vicinity were covered with mud, as if the merchant's carriage or the knight's horse returning from an expedition had passed through there.

--I am not so lucky.

Whenever I think I will do my best this time, something bad happens. I am always like this.

I fail those who have been kind to me.

Your father, your mother, your uncle, Mina-sama....

Where is the [Fortune] of the Radis family?

Or does God know that I am different...? Or does God know that I am different... and does it on purpose?

I still felt a little sad after returning to the inn.

Mina-sama and Claire-sama are also concerned about me. I know I shouldn't do this, but....

"I think you're too uptight, so it's fine if it's appropriate."


Mina-sama told me.

...A girl with ice blue hair color and emerald eyes. ...Somehow, this had happened to me in the past?

However, Mina-sama's hair color is very rare, and I don't know anyone who knows her.

I think it's called déjà vu, just a mixture of various memories.

Even after I get into bed, I remember things from much, much longer ago, and tears spill over.

I'm already used to living here... I was getting used to life here, and I thought I would give up and forget about it....

Mina-sama came into my bed and hugged me.

Although it had only been 3 days since we met, I felt so peaceful that I naturally fell asleep.

--The next day

It is a fine day today.

My heart is a little clearer, probably because I cried yesterday. My eyes are not swollen.

I packed my luggage to get ready for the walk to the village of Feld.

I asked Mina-sama to put the heavy things in her magic bag.

A piece of parchment fell out of my rucksack. It is yesterday's appraisal paper.

After checking it, it is usually disposed of because it is confusing whether it was used or not, but I left it in the backpack because Mina-sama had left it there after she returned to the village.

I will have to explain this to Mina-sama when I start working as an adventurer.

With a sigh, I tried to pick it up.

--Tellnet's blessing, Fimelita's blessing.

--Trickster's Talent (inherited from Ninja Kunoichi). Inherent skills: saints and demons. Talent of the seamstress. Talent of the Pharmacist.

--The Return.


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