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[Another Viewpoint] Independent Fourth Son


I was there before His Majesty and hurried to build a large tent and a temporary resting place. I heard that His Majesty had visited Van before, and he may have been entertained in a collapsed house on that occasion.

However, I could not let such a terrible situation happen when I was going with him. At the very least, we must prepare a building, even if it is temporary, that is large enough for His Majesty to rest in.

With this in mind, we hastened our march, but near our destination, we began to hear agitation among the soldiers.

Because the roads become narrower as they head toward the frontier, the formation becomes narrower as it goes, and my position becomes a little further back than the center of the line. Hence, information from the front of the line did not reach me immediately.

"What's going on up ahead? Check."

A tall knight in black armor nodded as he rode by. He is Stradale, a young knight captain in his mid-thirties, with a stern face. Stradale looked at me with blue eyes and opened his mouth.

"We have received a report from the team ahead of us, but we had to suspend the report because the contents were not clear enough. I'm having them reexamine the report, but if you don't mind, the report we're receiving now should be fine."

"Fine. You can simply tell them what is on point in the report."

Stradale nodded his head in agreement.

"Ahead of us, there is what appears to be a large building. Geographically, it seems to be part of the territory of Baron Van, which is our destination. However, the walls that should protect it were set up behind the building. Also, the walls are huge and seemingly strong."

Stradale replied without hesitation. He was a serious man, the very picture of honesty. Probably, he did not want to make an ambiguous report, so he had them reexamine the report.

However, the contents of the report certainly made him suspect that he was mistaken.

"The preceding team should have arrived by now, right? Then I will see it with my own eyes directly, without having to wait for that resurvey."

"Yes, sir."

Just as Stradale replied, a loud murmur spread out from the front. Like ripples on the surface of the water, the murmur spread all the way around the carriage.

"I hear there's a bathhouse that can hold over a hundred people."

"I hear they've built rest facilities outside."

"I heard there are two towns on the other side of the walls, was that place really a crumbling village?"

I heard such voices and looked out of the carriage to see what nonsense they were talking about.

Then, at the far end of the street, I could indeed see a large building from a distance. It is an unfamiliar building, a perfect square shape. At the back, I could indeed see what looked like castle walls.

"What... is that...?"

I lean out of the carriage, uttering a question. Then, as if on cue, I heard Van's name.


"Oh, it's Van-sama. He looks the same as always."

"Is Espada-dono with him?"

I looked at the words and saw a child-like figure on the other side of the procession of soldiers, at the far end of the street. It appeared that they had come out in small numbers, and the group coming toward us appeared to be only a few dozen or so.

"...No sign of Dee-dono?"

Stradale mutters in a small voice. The honest Stradale and the bold and open-minded Dee were often seen arguing and fighting, but they recognized each other's abilities. Although they never said it out loud, they may have missed each other since Dee was away.

I remember that when Stradale heard that Dee had been recognized by His Majesty as a dragon slayer, he nodded his head without saying a word.

"Jalpa-sama, Van-sama, is here to see you."

The Stradale looked at Van, who was already in sight, and called out to us.

"He has a peerage now, too. When you see him, tell him to kneel in front of the carriage and call out."

"Yes, sir."

Stradale replies in awe to my words.

After a few moments of waiting to be called, I could hear Van's voice coming from outside the carriage.

"I see, you are a member of the Marquise de Jalpa's entourage! Is the Marquis Jalpa over there! I am Van Nay Fertio, the Lord of this land! Pleased to meet you!"

I overheard a greeting I had never heard before, and I stood up with a sense of irritation. It does not sound like an aristocrat at all.

"Jalpa-sama, Van-sama, welcomes you."

I have no idea he was purposely making me hear his words from before, but the disciplined Stradale informs me of Van's arrival.

"...I understand."

I can't show my narrow-mindedness in front of the soldiers who are also watching. With anger in my heart, I got out of the carriage. Perhaps under the direction of Stradale, the soldiers had created a space by splitting to the left and right only in front of the carriage. There, about 20 to 30 of them, including Van, were kneeling and waiting.

Among them was the bowman seen in the previous battle with the Jiernetta Kingdom. Espada, with his usual difficult to read face, was also waiting a little behind Van. Always trying to be a butler, Espada would not come forward to talk as long as Van was there. It was nostalgic, but also a little sad.

I look down at Van, Espada, and the others and open my mouth.

"...Marquis Jalpa Bull Ati Fertio, Baron Van Nay Fertio. Thank you for welcoming me."

I reply, and Van looks up with a laugh.

"No, no, no, we're right there, Sir Jalpa, you've come a long way first...I'm sure you've had a long and arduous journey. Please, we will be at Seat Village soon, so take your time."

"...Hm. Well then, let me show you around."

Van nodded with a laugh as he listened to my words.


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