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Dwarf Forge

Habel wanted to forge in a more relaxed environment, so we decided to build a blacksmith shop outside Seat Village instead, on the outskirts of the adventurers' town. I had authorized them to pick up the tab, so they would never be short of money.

On the other hand, when Habel heard that a furnace was to be built, he immediately wrote down what he would need.

"Silica stone, niter, red clay, and the magic stone of a fire-resistant magical beast. It's a crystal that can be made in small quantities in the heart. It's going to cost a lot of money, but I'll definitely need these materials."

"I have it!"

"You have it? Oh! That's the hardest thing to find, many magic stones...?"

Habel was astonished to see the materials, and since he had told the Bellrango Chamber of Commerce to prepare a blacksmith shop, they had the materials to build a furnace. If there was a problem, it was that the furnace was going to be built in the adventurers' town, so it was going to be difficult to transport the materials.

The other dwarves were following us, looking at the inside of the Seat Village with curiosity.

"I've never seen these buildings before.

"The town nearby is the same, but I don't know what materials are being used."

While the dwarves are talking like this, Habel looks around the outskirts of Seat Village, his destination, and formulates an image of a furnace.

"If we want to melt Orihalcum, we need a big furnace. A tall furnace. There are two ridiculously large towers over there, and if they were that big, they should be able to create a furnace bigger than the largest furnace in the Dwarven lands. But it will take ten or twenty years to build it. For now, let's make a blast furnace for iron ore that is about three meters long."

Habel said and started to draw a simple drawing on the ground. Looking at it, I open my mouth.

"Habel-san, may I have a word?"

"Yes...what is it? I've decided that I'm going to make something here that exceeds what they have built over there, Van-sama. You are the Lord here, so please stop with the honorifics."

I nodded with a laugh as Habel said this while scratching his body for some reason.

"Well, again. Does that big furnace take a long time to make because you don't have enough materials?"

As I asked, Habel waved one hand and modified the drawing on the ground. While drawing something that looks like a chimney, he points around the top and bottom of it.

"No, that's not it. I simply need a place to put the best blue coal and the material ore alternately between these two, but the temperature I needed to make sure that the furnace must be over 2,500 degrees at minimum to make the Orihalcum soft. For iron, 2,000 degrees is fine, and for mithril, the position from which it is pulled out of the furnace is more important than the temperature, neither of which are comparable to Orihalcum. The first thing is temperature, and the second is pressure. Therefore, a taller furnace is needed. But I have to make a lot of fine-tuning with the thickness of the walls and the center of gravity."

Habel crossed his arms and groaned as he finished drawing a simple diagram on the ground, while explaining that Habel's drawing was surprisingly excellent, just like a blueprint.

It showed a cross-sectional view from the side and a circular hole that looked like the end of a chimney. The bottom part of the chimney is round and widened, and the molten metal seems to accumulate where the temperature rises the most. In addition, a straw-like object is inserted from the side, and I wonder if something can be inserted from the outside. Also, there seems to be a hole at the bottom that opens out of the furnace.

"From here, we fire it up and extract the molten metal. The small bar over here is the wind hole. We need to keep the crushed coals and wind constantly coming in from here. Next to it is a wind box that is designed to be tightly sealed, so that if one keeps stepping on it from side to side, the wind will be sent to the furnace. The maximum number of these wind boxes is four, but I can manage with two."

Habel adds to the diagram as he explains, and as you would expect from a professional, he knows his stuff.

"I think I might be able to make one of these. Let's take a look at it together and see."


Leaving Habel tilting her head, I look at the pile of materials. I've never handled this number of materials before, and some of them I've never seen before, so I can't predict what I'll be able to make, but I'm on a roll these days. I feel like I can handle it.

With this in mind, I touch the pile of materials and pour magic power into it. I have concluded so far that dense materials and materials with poor conductivity of magic power are exhausting to handle. Among the materials used in this project, the magic stone was the most tiring.

Therefore, I decided to make the bottom part first. Silica stone and glass stone were ground into powder and mixed into the red clay, and the magic stone was also ground into powder and scattered finely. At the same time, I made the outer wall of the lowest part of the building while driving the pillars into the ground.


I can hear Habel's astonished voice, but I can't lose my concentration now. At any rate, it was so exhausting that I felt as if the material was absorbing my magic power.

It is only about two meters high, but the diameter of the lowest part is more than ten meters. The walls are thickened like castle walls, but I wonder.

"Hah, I'm tired...Habel, how is this?"

Saying this, I point to a part of the finished foundation of the furnace, and Habel stares at the furnace in the making with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"...This is a surprise. But with this, even if it's not good enough, I can still use it to work as a blacksmith in a month's time when it's finished!"

I nodded with a wry smile at Habel's words.

"If I did follow the full blueprint. I think it would take me about a month to build the whole furnace."

I have a device to feed wind, and it would be helpful if I could use that to cut some time off. When I replied with that thought, Habel smiled, showing his teeth.

"Oh! If it's like this, then it will be 10 days to build a furnace! Two days for the wind box! Three days to fire it! After that, we will test the furnace with iron, silver, and Mithril! And a month later, Orihalcum!"

"...What, that's what to do in a month, didn't I say I need a month to build..."

Hearing Habel's terrifying reply, I was momentarily struck by a sensation of fading consciousness.


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