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Arte's Return and Adventurer's Town

He is visiting an adventurer's town for an inspection. Well, it is more like a stroll than a visit, but if Mr. Van walked around with a large group of companions, he would have a very commanding presence. The residents must have been surprised to see what was going on.

"Oh, it's Van-sama!"

"Van-sama is here to play!"

"Van-sama! I finally got my hands on some Mithril ore and I need a dagger...!"

"Get out of the way, I'll go first."

Suddenly the adventurers saw the lords in town, and for some reason they approached them in a very friendly manner. Some of them walked up to him with minerals and swords that could be used as weapons.

What's that? I am a lord, aren't I? I have a title, don't I?

I suddenly felt uneasy.

As I was thinking this, Dee, who had a blue streak on his temple, stepped forward and shouted at me.

"You guys want to get knocked down! Don't be rude!"

His yell was so loud that even the roughest of the adventurers couldn't help but shut their mouths.

Chuckling at this, I looked at Espada.

"It's different to actually walk around the town than to see it in a report, isn't it? It's true that there aren't enough stores and warehouses to store supplies. However, I don't think the Belrango Chamber of Commerce can afford to open a new store..."

Looking around the crowded town, he laments the lack of manpower. Then Espada narrowed his eyes and took one look at us.

"...As I mentioned in the report I gave you twelve days ago, there are villagers who want to do business with adventurers in this town. If Van-sama has any free time, he would like you to build a new store for him."

I break into a cold sweat when he said this. His voice sounded as scary as normal, but I could definitely feel the pressure in his eyes.

"Oh, oh, that, right? I know, of course. You know, I'm dealing with adventurers whose capital is their bodies. Um, an innkeeper, something like that..."

After a slurred but appropriate response, Espada quietly closes his eyes.

"...Yes. He wants to run an inn that can also provide meals."

"Yes, right? Certainly, there is only one Belrango merchant store in this town, so I think it's a good idea."

I answered on a hunch, and it turned out to be right on target. I reply, relieved to death.

Besides, Espada drew back his chin shallowly.

"In the meantime, we have confirmed that Level is a viable level to run the business. We believe that you have at least a minimum knowledge of business and cooking skills. Also, he has a family, so he doesn't have any problems with employees."

"Not exactly. Then let's make it right now. Are you from the original Seat Village?"

"No, I'm a former adventurer, a member of Mr. Ortho's party, Xsara..."

"Xsara? What? When did you become a villager?"

I was so surprised that I couldn't help but let out a loud yell. Then Espada looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"If you had read the report carefully, you wouldn't be surprised like that..."

"Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't read it carefully..."

I apologize honestly before I seriously offend you. It's one of my forty-eight techniques for dealing with people. Even the ogre-like Espada must not be able to say anything at this.

Just as the psychological warfare between Espada and me was about to begin, I heard the noisy voices of the members of the Espada Knights and adventurers.

A knight comes running from the city gate on the street side.

"I'm back!"

Breathing on his shoulder, the young male knight reports. He doesn't say what, for not many people living in Seat Village are out of the territory.

"Is it Arte and the others alright?"

The knight straightened his back in a hurry, and reiterated his report.

"Yes! Mr. Arte and the Seat Knights. And there are also adventurers, led by Mister Ortho! The damage seems to be minimal!"

I nodded deeply.

"Good. Regardless of the outcome, it's good to know that everyone is back safe and sound."

I was relieved.

With that in mind, I headed toward the castle gate to greet them. As I did so, I came face to face with a group of people who had just passed through the gate.

Seated in the coach seats were the members of the Second Squadron, the strongest mechanical archers of the Seat Knights, of which Mr. Van is proud. All of them looked uninjured, smiling and bailing at us.

Around them were Ortho and the others, but they were not coming toward us and were standing there with meaningful smiles on their faces. As I was wondering what was going on, the door of the carriage stopped in the middle was opened from inside, and I understood.

Pluriel, the elven sorcerer who came out of the carriage ahead of me, also saw my face, smiled, and shifted his gaze inside the carriage.

Then Arte appeared from inside the carriage, her beautiful white hair shaking with a slight quirk, dressed in a light dress.

The extreme experience of war. The long journey in the carriage. She must have seen her home and territory being invaded by other countries.

No doubt one or all of these were the cause.


So, no one could blame Arte for bursting into tears and emotions that she had been holding back the moment she saw my face, or even for running and hugging me in the midst of countless spectators.

I'm wearing a dress, but can I run surprisingly well?

Such unimportant thoughts popped into my head, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye in front of Arte, who was clinging to me and shaking my shoulders.

"Welcome back, Arte, you did a great job."

I didn't know what to say to her, so I just said it.

Then Arte started to cry aloud.

"Va, Van, sama...! I...!"

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's talk about it later."

I chuckle at the sound of Arte's unspoken voice and pat her back to calm her down.

"Wow, Van-sama made her cry."

"Hey, you. Don't tease her."

"...Why are you crying?"

I heard the adventurers who were watching around me having such a conversation. A crying countess and a baron consoling her. This is not good. If I don't do something, they're going to turn this into a vaudeville show or something.

Asking for help, I turned my gaze only to Ortho and the others while holding Arte in my arms.

But Ortho is giving me a thumbs-up with a radiant smile, and Pluriel is looking at me with eyes that seem to see something smiling.

No, no. These guys are not going to help us.

However, I don't think I can move until Arte calms down. I look around, thinking I'm in trouble, but give up when I see Till sobbing.

Oh, no. That's enough. You can use me as a subject for a song or whatever you want. I'll pay you a royalty in exchange.

I thought about that while patting Arte's back as she sobbed.


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