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Van Sword and Ballista

I created a slightly overdecorated iron sword and a wooden sword, and the reactions were unexpectedly positive.

No, if I were to describe it in a TV sense, it might not be good enough to make people's eyes freeze up in a daze. However, in a realistic sense, it was probably the biggest surprise of all.

The freeze time on the Apollo was particularly long. The quickest to come to his senses was Diane.

"Wait a minute, please. What the heck was that? Could it have been caused by production magic?"

"Ah, yes. Yes, that's right. I made many of the things in this city."

As he answers, he next shows them how to make spears and shields. Then the three of them opened their eyes so wide that they rolled them. Well, it must take a lot of courage to ask a child of nobility about his aptitude for magic.

"Let's go outside and make one ballista too, Camsin, can you get some people to help us?"


Camsin replied in a very nice way and ran off. For some reason, he seemed strangely happy. I wondered if something good had happened to him.

While I was thinking about that, Apollo grabbed the newly made sword with a trembling hand and made a mysterious sound like "hyuuu".

"...This, although its performance as a sword is still uncertain, it is a good enough item to be considered as a work of art. I never thought that a piece of equipment as good as this could be made instantly..."

As I watched Apollo muttering to himself in astonishment, Till held something in his hand with a mischievous expression.

Is that the skin of a crustacean dragon?

"Please take a look here."

"...Hmm? Is that the skin of a crustacean dragon? How did you do that? It's cut! What, what, what are you...? Hey, I need to borrow it!"

Without hiding his agitation at all, he takes the skin from Till with a trembling hand and checks its hardness, color, and other conditions.

Then, Apollo silently stared at the material and cut the surface of the skin with Van's iron sword in his hand.

The skin was easily cut in half, and Apollo's eyes widened too much to make a great face.

"Oh, oh? Is this...is this...a holy sword? Don't tell me that the mythical holy sword is right in front of me...?"

As Apollo, with half-white eyes, mutters deliriously, Diane looks at the spear I made.

"...Even we of the Mary Commerce Guild had never seen a blade as sharp as this one. However, I never expected the Commerce Guild investigators to be so distraught....Undoubtedly, the armor made by Van-sama must be of the highest quality. If created in Mithril or Orihalcum, it would be a national treasure..."

"Heh, national treasure class...Your Majesty said something like that, didn't you?"

While answering, he took out his beloved Orihalcum-made dagger. At the sight of it, the two members of the Mary Chamber of Commerce blinked; Rosalie froze in rapture, while Diane looked up to the heavens, holding her head in one hand.

"...Van-sama. I think it would be best not to show that one too casually. One of those items could lead to a war."

I make a frustrated face at Diane, who says this with a tired look on her face.

"But it cuts the best..."

"...you've been using it..."

Diane's shoulders slump and she weakens.

While we are having this conversation, Camsin, who had gone outside, returns with a group of knights. The knights, wearing wood block armor, come into the warehouse in droves.

"I've called people in!"

"Thank you Camsin, now can you all help me carry the wood block outside?"


Camsin and the others quickly began to carry the wood blocks out of the warehouse.

I call out to Apollo and the others, who are still puzzled, while I move outside.

Thanks to Camsin, who handed me the wood blocks at just the right moment, the ballista was completed in a matter of a few minutes. I was used to it by now.

With the ballista quickly completed, I turned around to check the reactions of the three of them.

There I saw the three of them looking at the ballista with distant eyes. They were expressionless, as if their emotions had been drained out of them.

I called out to Till and Camsin in response to the three people, who continued to look at the ballista in silence.

"...Isn't their reaction strange?"

I asked, and they looked at each other and nodded.

"That's because if you surprise them that many times in a row..."

"I think anyone would be like this."

They said dismissively. No, no, I don't think Panamera and the kings were so sure...

"...Um, are you all right?"

Apollo looked at me, pointing at the ballista.

"The material you were carrying earlier, is that a special material?"

"It's just wood."

"...How good is this ballista?"

"The range is over a kilometer. If you use the arrows I made, they can easily penetrate the scales of a dragon. By the way, with the continuous-fire type, you can fire up to two shots in a row."

As I answered his questions, Apollo's face became more and more grim. As I wondered what was wrong, I saw Diane gently raise her hand.

"Yes, Diane-san."

I nominate, and Diane clears her throat before opening her mouth with a difficult look.

"Well, Master Van...we are merchants. Until now, we were honestly surprised and even impressed by the splendid development of the remote village, the rare materials, and the armaments that we could not find even in Royal Capital. However, even from our point of view, this ballista weapon is extraordinary. How is it possible to create a weapon that can slay a dragon in a fraction of the time?"

"Huh? I was going to actually test fire the ballista now, but do you think you can make me believe it before I even fire it?"

Rosalie nodded with a wry smile as she tilted her head and asked.

"From the way things have been going so far, I don't think anyone will doubt Van-sama's words. In fact, I'm afraid that there are more surprises waiting for us."

As Rosalie said this, Bell nodded repeatedly in the back.

"...Master Van. If we are not careful, this ballista is a substitute that will change the way war is fought. And that too...in a way that no other country can imitate..."

With a pale face, Apollo muttered these words. Everyone returned silence to that.

I nodded with a smile, purposely not sensing the atmosphere.

"Then I guess I can protect my people as the lord of this village. I will continue to make the village better and better, so please promote me in other villages and towns. We are always looking for more lords."

When I told him this, Apollo rolled his eyes, then froze, and after a moment he laughed as if he was about to erupt.

"...Oh, I see. Hmm, if that is the case, I will do my best to help you. Also, please leave the distribution routes to and from other countries to us. Our Commerce Guild will be a good friend of Van-sama."

Apollo's smile faded in mid-sentence, and he bowed reverently and said so.


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