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[Another Viewpoint] Miraculous Reinforcements

[Count's army, Commanding Officer]

I could not believe my eyes at the incredible sight.

I was astonished by the flying dragons that appeared as soon as I saw Jiernetta's banner, but the shock this time was more than that.

The flying dragons were being knocked down one after another. I don't know what happened, but I thought I heard a sharp, wind-splitting sound and a low, earth-shaking sound at the same time, and then the flying dragons began to behave strangely and fell.

They were attacked by something.

That is understandable. But we don't know what kind of attack it was. The soldiers thought it was a first-rate wind magic attack, but it seemed to be different.

But it was not earth magic either.

"Sir Knight! Those bastards from Jiernetta have stopped moving!"

The wyverns have been wiped out! Only about 15,000 Jiernetta troops on the ground remain!

While I was pondering the situation, reports came in one after another. The other party seems to be confused by the sudden reinforcements, but we must not stop thinking as well.

"Watch your opponent's movements and hurry to reinforce the defense! Reinforcements are few as far as I can see! If they are a magic division, they will be destroyed if they get too close! If Jiernetta's army reverses, we'll hit them in the rear immediately!"

As he gives the order, the soldiers raise their voices and get into position. The battle of the siege, in which they had been overwhelmingly outnumbered up to this point, had just begun to show signs of light. The morale of the soldiers was soaring.

Now that there is no threat flying around in the sky, the soldiers would immediately carry out a frontal assault if ordered to do so.

We had placed heavily armed soldiers on every side of the collapsed walls, and we would ask them to prepare cavalry behind them.

A normal siege usually takes months, and reinforcements are the key to victory or defeat. Given the conventional wisdom, if reinforcements of any formidable strength were to appear in this situation, Jiernetta's army would most certainly either crush them or retreat.

The only concern is that some of the walls have already collapsed. If Jiernetta's forces were confident of their ability to break through, they might just walk into the walls without thinking twice.

"...Should we consider both possibilities?"

I muttered quietly and moved to the top of the ramparts to see the defense situation.

At that moment, a report reached me as I climbed to the top of the ramparts.

"Sir Knight! Jiernetta's army has split in two!


I ran on the ramparts in a panic and moved to the edge of the wall.

Looking down through a gap in the arrow-guard fence, he saw that Jiernetta's army had indeed been split in two. The numbers were about 10,000 and 5,000.

Surprisingly, 10,000 were headed for the reinforcements on the hill.

Had they decided that only 5,000 men would be enough to take down Count Ferdinand's territory?

"...Don't you dare lick me, Jiernetta!"

Trembling with rage, a furious cry rushed out of his mouth.

"You mighty men of Ferdinand! They have underestimated us! They think they can destroy us with a mere five thousand! Are we such weaklings! Answer me, were our Knights that weak?"

The soldiers' faces change as they yell.

Anger was linked to morale, and the hands gripping the swords grew stronger. But they have the mysterious magical tool that destroyed these walls.

An easy assault would be a fool's errand.

"Rain arrows from above the walls! Do not be stingy with your arrows!"

He gives instructions to the archers and then turns to the cavalry.

"Now, let the heavily armed men open up a gap! We'll take advantage of their weakness and launch a sortie! But don't hit them head-on! The enemy has destroyed the walls with mysterious projectiles! Cavalry, use as much speed as you can to turn the enemy around! From the number of times they have used them so far, they are not plentiful! Let them waste their projectiles!"

The cavalrymen respond to my words by drawing their swords.

Now, it's time to counterattack.

"Heavy cavalry! Open the east flank! On the west side, step back with the great shield! Draw the enemy!"

We move our troops and guide the enemy's movement.

Judging from his movements so far, the commander of the enemy forces is new to the war. And they are fatally slow in making decisions after hearing about the situation at the front.

If it were not for the flying dragons and mysterious weapons, there would be no reason for us to lose to them.

I looked at the cavalrymen who had started running and then returned my gaze to the battlefield.

The 10,000 enemy troops who were heading for the reinforcements were rushing forward as if they were on a charge. The attack that dropped the flying dragon was unleashed several times, but it seemed to have little effect on the 10,000 enemy troops.

If we had attacked and broken through the 5,000 troops, it would be normal for them to pull back, realizing their defeat. We lost the opportunity to take the land we should have occupied, and we also lost our main force. There was no point in continuing to fight under such circumstances.

However, it seems that the commander has not yet given the order to retreat.

For our part, we felt like we had missed the mark.

"The enemy was dumber than we thought! The morale of those who are stuck with us is at the bottom! We'll leave the minimum number of men behind and go after them! If they don't back away when we drive them back, I don't care! Keep your spears in their backs!"

I tried not to show impatience, but I still had to speak quickly.

However, before anything else, even more than his physical appearance, he had to save the reinforcements that had changed the course of that battle. The soldiers must feel the same way.

As if in sync with this thought, the soldiers started running with a shout of rage. Undeterred by the earth-shaking explosions, the soldiers wielded their swords to relieve their pent-up resentment.

However, something unexpected happens.

The horses of the cavalry, running ahead of the enemy, were frightened by the explosion of the projectiles and stopped.

The infantry cannot reach the enemy in time.

The sorcerer has already used up all his magic power.

The arrows would not reach them.

"Damn! You're going to trample our benefactors in front of us! Somehow...somehow...!"

I look at the battlefield with my head in my hands. The enemy has already reached the side of the reinforcements. Time is running out.

"At least, let's do our best to minimize the damage to that group!"

I shouted, and as I started to mount my horse, I heard a thud from the archers on the ramparts.

"What the hell? What's going on?

It can't be, a group of reinforcements...!

I shouted in anxiety and turned around.

But what spreads out beyond his gaze is the sight of a human figure being flung away as if it were a joke.

Armor-clad soldiers of Jiernetta's army are blown away as if struck by a giant's club. The intermittent sound of the wind slicing through the air cracks the line of soldiers, but the quality of the attack is distinctly different.

"What the...! Some kind of magic?!"

"No! Two men in full-body armor moving abnormally! They are running through an army of 10,000 Jiernetta!"


At the report, I ran up to higher ground.

I saw a silver warrior, about a head taller than me, running through Jiernetta's army, wielding a huge sword. How could I have seen him in the midst of such a large army?

It was because, as reported earlier, its movements were so unusual.

Wielding a long sword that looked to be as tall as he was, the silver warrior leapt over people and ran around the battlefield.

The two warriors were taking on 10,000 soldiers without stopping at all, even though they were hit by swords, spears, and arrows.

Their heroic fighting and strength left not only the soldiers but even me speechless.

Meanwhile, Jiernetta's army, which had thought it could win if only it could get close enough, was at the height of its confusion.

Formations and formations were crumbling to nothing, and soldiers were fleeing from one end to the other, scattering.

In just a few minutes, Jiernetta's army was destroyed. It was a complete rout.


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