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Blood and Destiny

Ultimately, the wedding that Goutani had planned was understandably canceled, or rather, scrapped. There was the truth that he placed a "slave collar" on the Pope, and that the Cardinal, who had been his collaborator, was a tax-hungry pig of the people.

But the big thing was that Goutani himself recognized his own lack of resolve.

The Pope apologized, saying that Mika and the others were all innocent. Mika regained her original power and status as a "hero" in La Veil Radd, and Cielo officially returned to La Veil Radd as a "Priestess".

Hinomoto's existence was not known to the people, so it was treated as if she had never existed in the first place.

The cardinals and bishops will continue to work as executives of La Veil Radd, and knights will be on duty 24 hours a day in shifts to watch over them.

As for the treatment of Goutani, a dispute arose between Cielo and the people.

The people argued that Goutani was a dangerous person who repeatedly spoke and acted in a manner unbecoming of a "hero," and that he should be eliminated immediately. Cielo, however, was not so sure.

"What were you looking at? Do you really think that Goutani-sama alone is to blame? ...This incident is partly due to my weakness in not being able to face him in the true sense of the word. It is my fault that I gave in to power and did not overcome my fear!"

The people looked in disbelief as Cielo defended Goutani, who had been hung out to dry by Aidle's broadcast, but Cielo continued.

"He had a dark heart. He was a 17-year-old boy, a mere civilian summoned from a world without strife. If such a child gets the power he has, fights a huge evil, kills a creature that has the same shape as him, kills someone who used to be a person... it is natural that his heart would break."

People in this world have human 'death' lying all too close at hand. So they have some tolerance for heartache. But the heroes are different. In a life where everything began with unreasonableness, he was thrown into another world where he gained power only to defeat the Demon King.

And as he was swept along, he killed and killed and killed, and his heart was about to break. Cielo says it was his own fault for not realizing that it had come out as a distortion.

"Certainly, if he had gone on like this, he would have continued to move with the distortion and could have eventually brought disaster to the country. However, the 'hero' doctrine is a light that can illuminate, no matter who you are. It should be the heroes who are illuminated by that light. I think we have forgotten something very important in our sanctification of them."

That the heroes are also "human beings" with weak hearts. They are creatures who make mistakes.

Cielo kneeled in front of Goutani, who was kneeling beside her, listening to his words, and Goutani, still wearing the collar that the Pope had put on him, was unable to move, but Cielo released him.

"I forgive you in my name for everything 'concerning' your 'country. And let me ask you once more."


"You said you would love me. You said you were ready to do so. I felt a sense of discomfort there...Goutani-sama. Do you know how the skills of a Priestess are passed on? Do you know how?"

"...Method? Don't they just give birth and then pass on?"

Cielo shook her head in response, and with a sad smile on her face, she replied.

"The skills of a Priestess. The 'prophecy' and the 'divine eye' are passed on to the child in exchange for the mother's life."

"------ You're lying, aren't you?"

"It is true. The moment the child is born, the mother draws her last breath and the skills are passed on. In other words, she is not even allowed to see her child's face. That is the fate of the blood of the 'miko'."

Goutani was overwhelmed by Cielo's brazen, straight-faced way of telling a story that is the best-kept secret of all secrets. Normally, only those who are candidates to become Pope can know about it. And you have to be prepared.

You must be prepared to lose the one you love after having a child born to you with love.

"Do you have that resolve?"

"...I'm sorry...I don't...I don't!"

The person you love will die if you have a child with him or her. Most people would refuse to take that risk if they had to. However, Cielo was born under the blood of a "Priestess" who must do so. For so many years that we don't even know how many generations have gone by, many mothers and fathers have made the decision to shed tears of blood.

Naturally, Cielo's mother is the same. So did his father.

Goutani did not want Cielo to die. He felt deeply sorry for Cielo's fate. That is why he cried and moaned, bowed his head and repented.

"...I'm sorry...I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too... for not accepting you properly..."

As they apologize to each other, the Pope looks at them and speaks to the people.

"One needs a strong heart to have great power. He was, at the end of the day, a man who could care for others. Still, power changes people. In his case, the power of "heroism" changed him. If the heart cannot endure and clings to power, only great sin and destruction await. Such things have happened many times in the records of past heroes. It is said that each time it happened, the country was destroyed."

That is why we must not misjudge what we believe in, the Pope said.

"What we believe in is the very teaching of the 'heroism' itself. The thoughts left behind as a guide to the future created by the first 'Priestesses' and 'heroes' must not be distorted by the power of the 'heroes'. Let us all read the Bible again and think about it once more. We are living in a "peace" that was built on the sacrifice of the hearts of the heroes boys and girls... The heroes will be punished accordingly, but not to the death. Now...disperse."

With the Pope's words, everyone returns to their homes and lodgings. The Pope decided to take a break from his daily routine for a while to give the people time to think. He was also very tired and dizzy.

Armani supported him from the side.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, please take care of yourself. I'll take care of the rest."

"Yes, please...Cielo."


The eyes of father and son meet. Sadness or joy? It was hard to read it from their expressions, but they certainly felt something in each other's eyes.


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