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Kyriel invasion!

To cut a long story short, the day after Mari and the others left for Cyrus, His Highness Prince Alberto requested a meeting with the Prime Minister.

"Prime Minister, I have come to ask you a favor."

"What is it?"

The kingdom is also interested in the undead, and we would like to examine the vampires you have captured.

We've done a lot of research, and I've already given you a written report.

"We have a special investigator in our mission who specializes in the undead. I want that person to look into it."

The Prime Minister thinks for a moment before replying.

"I would like to ask for some time. I will consult the person in charge and confirm that it is safe before I give my answer."

An hour or so later, permission to interrogate the vampire was granted.

"Thank you. This person and I will go, and I ask you to show us the way."

Beside His Highness was a brooding-looking sorcerer in black robes.

The vizier, His Highness Alberto, and the sorcerer man headed for the prison in the basement of the castle.

There they were attended by three priestesses and no one else. Inside the prison lies the female vampire who attacked Mari.

The goddesses knelt down to greet His Highness.

"These three are priests of the Divine Kingdom. The prison is a sacred magic ward, and these men are replenishing their magic power."

"It is the young maidens in the kingdom who have the highest level of sacred magic power. And they are so beautiful. ---It is truly a shame that they should die here."

"Your Highness, what did you just say?"

The Prime Minister's eyes widened.

"Let the Prime Minister and his three daughters die here! Kyriel-sama, please!"

The man to whom His Highness bowed was a sorcerer.

"Thank you, I will dispose of the rest."

The man called Kyriel changed his appearance!

His skin turns black and a disastrous aura fills the entire room. The three priestesses, upon seeing this, immediately surrounded Kyriel.

"Damn it, I've made sure the saint hasn't been in the Misery since yesterday. Let's see what you can do without her!"

"Well, I'll take your word for it, then."


"Yes, Lilly!"

"Yes, Miss!"

They are Lilly, Rin, and Shise. And they instantly deploy the Triangle Sacred Magic Warding.

"Guhaha! You think you can restrain Kyriel-sama with a human's wards..."

The vampire's expression changed drastically!

"How could a human have such magical power? Damn, the saint's absence is a trap!"

"Hmmm, we didn't get any help from the saint."


Kyriel roared and lunged repeatedly to break the ward. But it was solid and unbreakable.

"You underestimated the power of human magic, and that's the end of your luck, isn't it?"

Kyriel's plaintive cry echoed through the prison for a long time. Eventually, it faded away, until all that remained was a large lump of sand.

"But that's absurd! How could such a mighty man be a goddess like this?"

His Highness tried to run away, but his body would not move. When he came to, there was a man behind him, tying him up behind his back. The man was Glen, who was hiding in a corner of the room, using a sign-breaking ward.

"Your Highness, I need to ask you a few questions."

His Highness Alberto was placed under house arrest.

When the Prime Minister learned that he was a pawn of the vampire, he turned pale and rushed into his office. He then gathered his subordinates and began discussing how to proceed.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone"

"We feel good that they're happy."

Glen, Lilly, Rin and Shise were relaxing in the waiting room.

"But I don't get it. The status-increasing magic would have worn off. How did you manage to generate that kind of magic?"

"Residual magic power."

Rin explains.

"When you are exposed to the saint's magic, it remains in the body of the person exposed. We have been enchanted by the saint many times in our missions. That's why our natural magical power is much higher."

"She says that the younger you are, the stronger the effect. Of the three of us, Shise has benefited the most."

"Damn! I'm the one who gets back to normal when the magic wears off, and you guys are the only ones cheating."

"It's only the magic that remains. The magic will not remain."

Rin looks at Glen and smiles wickedly.

"But it really feels good, doesn't it? A dark vampire, and he's the second-in-command of the Demon King. I was able to destroy him without the help of the saint. It's all thanks to the residual magical power of the saint."

"You ladies are all praising the saint like that, but I'm not amused. I'm so angry that she's losing to such a pussy."

"Shise is honest. We've all lived our lives competing for magical power. It's frustrating when we lose because of our magical power, but the saint is a monster. But the saint is a monster. I've given up."

"And Shise, the saints are surprisingly perceptive, even though they look like they're a little poised. I sometimes get the creeps myself."

"Oh, Lilly is right. That saintly woman can be tricky. Well, I'm sure she's still a bit of a wimp, though."

Laughing out loud, Glen said, and the three of them laughed as well, saying, "I bet".


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