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Mari, Getting a Hangover

Mari was so excited on the eve of the festival that she had a terrible hangover and could not get out of bed the next morning.

"Mari-sama, are you all right?"

Harill squeezes a towel in a tub of water and places it on Mari's forehead.

"I feel sick..."

"That's because you drink too much."

"What are you going to do about it? It's almost time for my appointment."

If Mari's prediction is correct, an event should occur at noon today at the Citadel of Cyrus.

"Can't we use the sobering spell?"


There are no drunks in the game world, and Mari had never heard of such magic.

"Sophie-a-sama. Should I go to the temple and ask them to send a priest?"

"No, you can't do that. That would ruin Mari's reputation. She would be like, "You don't even know this simple magic?"

"Yes, sir."

Sophie and Harill sighed in unison beside the groaning Mari.

When the time turned to midnight, suddenly a loud voice echoed through the city!


"What the hell is that?"

"Get out of here!"

The screams of the residents could be heard.

"Mari, do your best to at least use your status-increasing magic on us! This time the enemy is not undead, right?


Mari raised her hands in the air as if to dance... "Ugh~"---she exhaled.

"Oh my god, what are you doing!"

"Mari-sama, please hang in there."

I guess the vomiting made me feel better, and I managed to finish casting the spell.

"Harill, let's go!"

"Yes, Sophia-sama!"

They put Mari, who had collapsed on the floor, back on the bed and ran toward the noise.

When they arrived at the square, there it was!

The first giant demon god!

It must have been four meters tall. A horn sprouted from his forehead and he carried a large club on his back. He was dressed in fine, short robes.

The giant was perched on a tower, looking down on the assembled knights and the crowd.

"Harill, can you shoot that guy off the tower?"

"No, he has hostages!"

I look and see that he is holding a woman with long black hair. She is holding a woman with long dark hair, who is either unconscious or not moving at all.

"Don't worry. Even if she dies, Mari can bring her back to life with her resurrection magic.

"Yes, I understand."

Harill was about to start chanting.

"Wait kid, listen to me!"

The first giant called out.

"If you eat this woman, my stomach will digest her in an instant! Can you guys revive a digested woman?"

Sophie did not know the answer to that question.

"Sophie-a-sama, I know this is a threat, but there is a contingency. Let's wait and see."

In the meantime, the crowd was kept away and the knights surrounded the tower. A standoff ensued between the giant, Sophie, Harill, and the knights.

"What's the matter? Why isn't the saint coming?

The giant grew numb and began to yell. He demanded that Mari come out.

"If you don't come out, I'll eat her!"

"Well, wait! She can't come out now."

"Don't lie! I know a sign. I can feel it, the saint is close by!

Even if she's close, she can't come!

"Why not?"

Sophie was torn. If she continued to lie, the hostage's life would be in danger.

"The saint is sleeping off her hangover!"

An awkward silence fell between the giant and the knight.

"Okay, if that's the case, I have no choice. I'll take care of this woman. If you want to save her, come to the north forest alone."

With these words, the giant broke through the encirclement and ran off in the direction of the north.

Sophie returned to the inn.

Sophie returned to the inn, carried Mari on her back, and headed for the forest designated by the giant. Driving north along the road, they came upon a beautiful forest.

"Where is he?"

As we looked around, "Sophie-ah, look!" Harill pointed.

I looked and there was a wolfsbane.

"Don't tell me you've prepared a marker to make it easier for us to find you?"

Sophie half-heartedly headed toward the place where the smoke was rising. There, she found the one-eyed giant waiting for her.

"The saint is here, as promised! Now, return the hostage."

"I told you to come alone, didn't I?"

"You can't come alone in this condition!"

Mari is unconscious on Sophie's back. The giant sighed loudly as he looked at her slumped over.

"All right, I'll let it slide that the three of us came. But I can't just let you guys return like this. If you want to leave, you'll have to play a game with me and win."

Sophie's mouth turned up in a grin.

"I hope so! If you win and Mari sobers up, I'll go home with the kidnapped woman."

"Can you do that, my lady knight? Well, we'll find out soon enough. Look, the woman is there, behind the tree. If you can beat me, you can take her home."

The giant points in the direction of the woman, who is crouched down with a frightened expression on her face. Confirming this, Sophie also sets Mari down on a patch of grass.

"It looks like everything is ready. Let's get started."

Sophie nicked the top of her sword and Harill readied his staff.

"Hmm, you've been enhanced with the saint's magic. But you're not the only ones who can use the enhancement technique."

As the giant put his full body into action, the glow of his aura enveloped his entire body and his muscles rose. Its intimidation was incomparable to the previous one.

Jiri, jiri, the distance between the two closed in. And the forest was enveloped in a strange tension!


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