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Chapter 79 A Mission in the name of a Commission?

Avangard Castle King's Chamber

It was a spacious place with a long red carpet that extended all the way to the throne on which the king sat. The ceiling was as high as the second floor of a normal building. I, Roel, Balm and Gilbert were summoned to such a spacious place.

I understand that much, but I wondered why Kirkton was there as well.

The king had a stern look on his face and did not change his expression at all. Belmund, the prime minister, stood next to him, looking at us with lizard-like eyes.

After passing the exam, I immediately went to the guild to see if there were any requests for A Rank. But since there were no dungeons beyond Mist Village in this area, most of the requests were of a level that could be described as B Rank.

There were dungeons other than Mist Village, but there was no point in going all the way to those dungeons. There are some A Rank people who go to Mist Village to get materials that could be sold at a high price, but so far I have no money problems and have almost 200,000 gold left over. However, I was worried that I might not be able to keep track of my money. Thanks to that, I was not allowed to waste any of my allowance, so no matter how much I cried or what I did, I was never given any extra money. This was the one thing I really regret.

I wonder how much we would be paid for this request. It was a request from the king, after all, so it should be quite a lot.

"I have an immediate request for you who have just been promoted to A Rank. No need to be so firm. After the test, I'd like to test you personally. The request I'm going to ask you for now is about what a D Rank adventurer would call picking medicinal herbs."

The king's expression was hard for a man who said he didn't need to be hard. He was much older than the king of Wizard Kingdom, but he might be the type of person who doesn't smile even a twitch.

"First of all, Balm and Gilbert, you know the Kingdom of Normitz, right?"

"Yes, it is a renowned agricultural country, the highest importer of fruits and vegetables in the Kingdom of Avangard, the most famous of which are often cited as hydra fruit, pohpoh fruit, and emerald lettuce. But in fact, many of those momol fruit also come from Normitz. It is also grown domestically, but in the Kingdom of Normitz it has its own unique flavor."

"Umm, mmm. Enough, Gilbert, the Kingdom of Normitz has long been a friend of our country and an essential part of its development."

"Yes, the Kingdom of Normitz has a well-developed agricultural industry, but it is very weak in terms of military strength. The Kingdom of Avangard, which devoted itself to the training of adventurers, is the best place to go."

"Okay, okay. Anyway, I want you to listen to me. So, imports from the Normitz Kingdom suddenly stopped. We sent a messenger about two months ago, but he still hasn't come back, and it's not that far to the Normitz Kingdom, and there are no dangerous areas like the Kizel Valley along the way. I considered the possibility that he might have been killed by demons, but even our soldiers, although they vary widely, are on average of B rank in terms of adventurer rank. Therefore, it is difficult to believe that they were killed by demons in that area."

"That's puzzling...did you not use the Giga Horse's carriage?"

"No, unfortunately, they all went out for other reasons."


"I want you to go to the Kingdom of Normitz. If anything goes wrong, return immediately and report back to me. The important thing here is that you do not go in too deep. If anything should happen, it would be beyond your control. Understood?"

"Yes, I understand. Right away."

"All funds will be provided from here; you can get them from Belmund. In addition, we have 80,000 gold as a reward. Be encouraged."

So, A Rank does receive support from the government. This was a big difference from the B Rank because they provide everything you need, like in this case.

Roel says that the expenses was much lower and the rewards amount was just off the charts, so she was considering giving me an allowance increase from now on.

"Well, Ryua and Roel, I'm glad to see you've made it up to A Rank, as expected. Now, I have something I'd like you to do."

The king suddenly smiled, a far cry from the stern expression on his face as he turned to Gilbert and Balm. The switch was instantaneous, as if he had switched masks. Come to think of it, he seemed to want to say something to me the last time I saw him.

"You know about Triferia, don't you?"


"I managed to get things back on track the other day. But the threat is not completely over. We are still having a hard time getting back into the line of fire."

Naturally, Roel looks quite nervous and chosen her words because the other party was a king. Even now, she was giving only minimal reception.

That was good to know, a person as good as Triferia-san would not die so easily. But what could Juo's blood be that made Triferia-san suffer that much?

"The identity of what was poisoning Triferia's body is less clear. If it was some sort of epidemic disease, it would be too late to fight the demon king's army. Furthermore, if it was brought by the Demon Lord's army, we need to take immediate countermeasures. Therefore, I ask you to go to Mt. Daigami in Azuma."

"Azuma.... An island nation in the western ocean."

"Yes, there are many mountains around Mt. Daigami, and even the local inhabitants rarely go near the mountain. However, there is a kind of thousand year old grass that grows only on the top of that mountain. I want you to go and pick it."

"What's Clematis?"

"So, Ryua-chan, honorifics..."

"It was the name of a herb that is said to prolong one's life for 1,000 years if taken as a potion. It seems that we would need that kind of herb to ward off a serious illness."

"'Is there really such a thing?"


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