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Chapter 10 Misery attack! (3)

At Misery Castle, Christie, Sarah, and Glenn were barricading themselves in the entrance to the balcony and defending it.

The Skeletons were completely unstoppable in front of the Supreme Priest's heels, but their numbers were overwhelming. The three of them were getting pushed around.

"Christie-sama, it's time for my magic to run out."

"Hang in there, Sarah, we've got to hold on until help arrives!"

She replied, but Christie knew. With this many Skeletons, there's no way they can afford to send help. Her own magic power was beginning to bottom out, and she was beginning to feel like giving up.

"You're right, High Priestess! Help is on the way."

Glenn shouted, and soon three Priestesses came running onto the balcony.

"High Priestess, we're here to rescue you!"

It was Ruri who delivered the holy sword to Derrick.

"Ruri-san, thank you for your help. Rin-san and Shise-san, too."

"High Priestess and Sarah, please step back and recover your magic, we'll hold off the Skeleton for a while."

"Once we recover our magic, we'll leave this place and retreat to the outside of the Citadel."

"Rin, Shise, I'll set up a barrier at the entrance!"

"Roger that, Ruri!"

"Aye, Nee-san."

Christie and Sarah sat there, breathing heavily, and Glenn took a break, breathing heavily as well.

"Thanks for the help, guys. It would have been a close call if you guys hadn't come along."

"The Hero of the Adventurer's Guild doesn't fare too well against the undead, does he?"

Ruri laughs as she puts up her barrier.

"Nonsense, with a holy sword, a Skeleton is nothing to worry about. ---How's it looking inside the citadel, by the way?"

"It's a mess, almost everything but the temple was destroyed. The knights, adventurers, and temple troops are still trying to get the survivors out."

"Oh, so the temple had anti-undead priests like you."

"Yes. And the temple had a stock of holy swords. We were passing them around."

"Give me one of those... But you don't have one!"

"I'm sorry, Master Glenn. I just finished handing out the holy swords."

Shise calls out to the nodding Glenn.

"I can use holy power-enchantment magic. It's not as good as a holy sword, but you can still fight a Skeleton with it."

The holy sword is a special sword that contains holy magic, and it is the only weapon that is effective against undead that cannot be attacked by normal weapons. Also, holy power-enchantment magic can temporarily turn a normal sword into a holy sword.

"Ruri-san, how long can the barriers stay up?"

"If we just want to put them up, they can stay up all day, but if there are fewer people in the citadel, the Skeletons will concentrate on this place and rush in. Please recover your magic as quickly as possible."

"Is it going to take much longer to recover?"

"Not for me, but Sarah seems to be out of magic."

Christie looked at Sarah. However, Sarah was staring at the square as if she didn't hear her.

"Sa...Sarah, what's wrong?"

"Christie-sama, look at that! Look at the plaza!!!"

When Christie heard Sarah's shout, she looked over and saw an unbelievable scene unfolding: Skeleton after Skeleton was burning and disintegrating.

Then, a female knight jumped into the square! Then, she began to knock down the remaining Skeletons. With a single blow, she smashed them to pieces, and the flying debris turned into sand in the air.

As she wiped out the Skeleton, two more figures entered the square. One was a woman in a white robe, probably a priestess. And a boy dressed as a sorcerer.

(I wonder if that's the boy who fired the flaming bullets earlier?)

Christie looked at the three of them, thinking about that.


"I've dealt with the Skeletons!"

Sophie shouted to Mari as she destroyed the last one in the square.

"It's okay here too. Even if they do attack us, we will never let them get close to Mari-sama!"

"Sophie, Harill-kun, I'm going to use the 'Saint's Breath' now. I'll be defenseless for a few minutes. Please guard me during that time!"

Standing in the middle of the square, Mari held out her hands to the sky. Then, particles of light flooded out of her and lifted her a few dozen centimeters into the air.

A magic circle appeared at her feet, and its area grew larger and larger. The area was expanding all the way to the outside of the citadel.

The next moment, a shimmering pillar of light rose from the magic circle!

"What is that?"

Glenn shouted as he was enveloped in the glow!

"Is this magic, you guys?"

"No, sir! There's no such thing as a massive holy magic barrier..."

"Ruri-neesan, is this a holy magic barrier? It's spreading outside the citadel."

"Definitely, look at the Skeleton!"

They all looked at the Skeletons, and they stopped moving, and then collapsed into pillars of sand.

"Amazing! This many Skeletons all at once!"

Rin looked around with an expression of disbelief. Then, a change occurred in the pillar of light. The pillar of light was converted into particles and began to scatter as if dancing all over the area.

It was a strange phenomenon, a mysterious light beam that bounced around erratically, gently enveloping the bodies of people it found. Then, slowly, it was sucked into them.

Sarah had seen this light before.


"Yes, it's the Resurrection Glow. It's the same one we've been experimenting with, but on a much different scale. "

Christie suddenly realized.

"Ah, Prime Minister!"

She shouted and started running with Sarah.

Reaching the office, she crouched down beside the Prime Minister and called out.

"Your Excellency, Marquis Vinez!"

Grunting, the Prime Minister sat up.

"I... What? What the, I thought I was dead from a Skeleton stabbing me in the chest."

He looked around, noticing Christie.

"Oh, I see, the High Priestess patched me up."

"No, it was not her, it was the Saint! The Saint saved Misery!!!!"

Christie smiled as tears welled up in her eyes.


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