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Chapter 16 Gale and Thunder Part 2

「 Hai, hai, that's the end of the flirting. We have to finish the capture operation before they regain consciousness.」

「 Oh, right, Rin-chan, we have to hurry.」

「 Fuel, it's because Rei won't let me go.」

Was it my imagination that he seemed to be complaining, but also a little regretful?

As soon as she released her body from Rei, Rinna took out a jewel from her backpack and applied it to the forehead of the fallen bolt lizards.

「 Okay, that's the last of it.」

When the last tenth piece turned yellow, Rinna looked at it with great feeling.

Now all we have to do is report to the guild, and we'll be promoted to B-class summoners.

She had been so worried about Rei's safety that she hadn't been able to focus on that until now, but now she was finally starting to feel it.

She tuck the last one carefully into her luggage.

Then she looked up at the cloudy sky and exhaled heavily with a sense of accomplishment.

--It would have been even better if the sky had been blue.

「 Well then, let's go back before the lizards wake up.」

「 Yeah, let's get off the mountain.」

As the three of them were about to leave, the Volt Lizard and the others suddenly regained consciousness.

She braced herself, but it seemed they were farther away than she cared to admit.

They look up, to the left and to the right, and disappear as if frightened by something.

「-What's going on?」

「 It's like something is approaching!」

Eventually, the sound of loud flapping wings reached their ears.

Looking up in the sky, Rinna saw a huge bird circling with its huge wings spread out.

Covered in yellow feathers, it was a monster that looked to be about eight meters long.

「 That's a Garuda! I can't believe a class-A summon showed up here……!」

「 I'm sure I was lured here by the extremely thick lightning strike earlier! It’s favorite food is bolt lizards.」

The Garuda continues to circle above the three of them.

The girls were probably already in its sights.

Rei smiled wryly as she pulled out the sword at her hip.

「 Rin-chan, I don't feel like losing right now, how about you, Rin-chan?」

「 I'm the same 」

We both lined up and looked at the enemy above us.

The trajectory of the turn had changed.

Soon it would swoop down and attack us.

「 I'm sorry to say this, but Shifle is supposed to be in charge of this kind of thing.」

Coughing, Shifle stepped forward in front of them.

Indeed, her role was originally to be prepared in case a high-ranking summon attacked.

「 And, honestly. I was itching to show them together. Come on, let's go! Fuu-chan!」

「 Fuu 」

Fuu-chan jumped off Shifle's head with great force.

Shifle took the jewel out of her pocket and placed it on top of the trekking pole.

The glow of the jewel was blue.

「 The Blue Jewel! S-class summon.……!」

「 That climbing staff, it was a summoning staff……」

Shifle closes her eyes and focuses her mind.

Fuu-chan's small body was enveloped in a blue glow, changing its size and shape.

The light bursts open to reveal a huge bird covered in beautiful green feathers.

The sharp eyes of a bird of prey glared at the enemy, and its long tail feathers fluttered on its beautiful streamlined body.

「 Summoning complete! Let's do it, Fuu-chan!」

「 Kiiiiiii!!」

Shifle points her staff at Garuda in the sky.

It was a majestic figure worthy of the name "King of the Sky" took off into the sky.

「 That's Fuu-chan's true form!」

「 That's Frezberk!!」

Fuu-chan, a Frezberk reach the same altitude as the Garuda circling above.

The Garuda immediately creates a huge thundercloud against the sudden appearance of an enemy.

It is incomparably larger than the Bolt Lizard's.

The interval between launches would probably be very short.

「 It's useless! That won't work on Fuu-chan!」

Frezberk possesses the magical power of wind.

It has immense wind power that is said to control all the atmosphere.

It converts its magic power into wind and shoots it at the thundercloud.

The blade of the gale blew the thundercloud into pieces.

Garuda was dismayed as its greatest weapon was easily defeated.

「 Time to finish it! Blow it away!!」

Ahead of the Frezberg, there was a change in the atmosphere.

A small vortex was created, which quickly transformed into a tornado.

With a flap of its green wings, the tornado heads straight for the Garuda.

Sensing the danger, Garuda turns its back and runs away.

However, the tornado was faster than its speed.

When the giant yellow bird was caught in the vortex of the wind, it was swallowed up and spun around at high speed.

In the midst of the violent rotation, it must have lost track of its top and bottom.

Eventually, it was thrown out of the tornado and crashed to the ground.

The Garuda that fell to the grass seemed to have fainted.

「 You have done well, Fuu-chan.」

As the Frezberk landed in front of Shifle, Shifle raised her wand.

Then, with a pop, the little Fuu-chan reappears.


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