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Chapter 16 Gale and Thunder (Part 1)

A huge thundercloud swirled overhead.

The huge thundercloud swirling overhead, reverberating with an eerie sound like a roar, is accumulating an enormous amount of power inside it.

The lightning strike released from this cloud could be as powerful as a strike from an S-class summoned beast if not more.

「 That……If I don't avoid it, it' gonna be bad.……!」

Bolt Lizard's lightning strike is a straight line attack and does not track if the target evades.

Rei is well aware of this, as she has been exposed to a lot of attacks up until now.

But the blow from that thundercloud would probably be a very thick electric shock.

If she didn't move far enough away, she wouldn't be able to escape unharmed.

「 Even if I were to say that……」

Rei shifted her eyes from above her head to her surroundings.

A dozen or so small thunderclouds surrounded her, arranged in a circle around her.

It is a cloud cage cunningly set up to keep her from ever escaping the range of the kill.

「 These guys, aren't they a little too smart.……?」

I can't help but complain.

The small thunderclouds will not launch electric shocks, probably.

The purpose may be to fire when she tries to escape and block her escape route.

It is impossible for Rei's current agility to avoid the lightning strike of that speed and density, and to escape the attack range of the giant cloud.

「 I guess all is not lost yet……」

「 Rei Onee-san! This is not good!!」

There's no escaping that situation.

If this continues, Rei is certain to lose her life.

There is no time to talk about exams anymore.

「Fuu-chan, let’s go!」

「 Fuu~ 」

Shifle was about to take the jewel out of her pocket when she suddenly turned to look at Rinna.

In this situation, she hadn't uttered a single word since earlier.

This was unnatural, no matter how much she told her elf to remain calm.

「 Rinna Onee-san?」

Rinna grasped the cane with both hands and meditated, concentrating on her consciousness.

There was one move left for her to make that would turn this situation upside down.

If she failed, no, she didn't think about that at all.

With the sole intention of helping Rei, she concentrated and built up a mass of mental energy in her body.

What she imagines is strengthening the legs.

Rinna opened her eyes and sent the energy she had stored to Rei.

「 Enhanced agility speed boost!!!」

Rei's body was enveloped in a white light.

Rinna's thoughts and power raced through her.

「 Rin-chan……thanks 」

A moment later, the huge black cloud emits an intense light.

Rei kicked the ground as hard as she could and started running.

Thunderbolts of interceptors gushed out from countless small thunderclouds.

——I see it. You're too slow!

Leaning her body and shifting her head, Rei ran through the cage of lightning like a gale, avoiding it with minimal movement.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely thick thunderbolt ripped through the earth with a tremendous roar.

The bedrock shattered and a cloud of dust rose up.

「 Rei Onee-san, What happened to you!?」

From where Shifle and the others were standing, Rei could not be seen due to the sand that was flying around.

「 It's okay. Rei's fine.」

Rinna's voice was calm and collected.

As Shifle strains her eyes, she can see the shadow of a person in the dust and smoke.

The figure moved at a high speed and raised her sword, which made a crackling sound.

When the dust cloud eventually cleared, Rei had stunned the last bolt lizard with a stunning strike.

「 Phew, I've managed it somehow……」

Rei lay down on the ground on her back.

The white light that had covered her body disappeared.

「 Rei, are you injured!」

Rinna runs up to Rei to check.

It seems that she did not faint or become too physically exhausted.

「 Rinna Onee-san, you've succeeded in making a partial enhancement at the last minute.」

You' re a real piece of work, Shifle thought to herself.

With this, the test was successful and Rinna was promoted to B class.

「 But maybe soon enough she won't just be B-Rank at all, right Fuu-chan.」

「 Fuuー?」

Rinna runs to Rei's side and helps her up.

「 Rei, sorry…… You put yourself in harm's way because of a lapse in judgment on my part……」

「 I don't mind. I'm fine. What you did earlier was a partial strengthening, right, Rin-chan.」

「 Ah, Umm. I just managed to……make it succeed 」

「 That's great, Rin-chan! Congrats!!」

「 Muguu...」

Rei hugged Rinna vigorously.

With her face buried in her chest, Rinna flaps her arms and legs.


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