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Chapter 63 Wizard Kingdom End Part 

◆ Wizard Kingdom, Castle King's Room ◆

The air was tense. First, the king, the prime minister, and their guards lined up to protect them. We were sandwiched between the soldiers standing in line along the aisle. The king looks as stern as ever, and it was the first time for me to see the Queen. What was also included were the captain of the Fire Magic Team and the captains of the other teams, so it's quite a large group.

One of them, Tekker, the captain of the lightning squad, seemed to have witnessed my battle and was the first to thank me after the night was over. He said that he hadn't slept much since then, recovering what was left of the wreckage from the Golems, which was were pretty not worth it, and figuring out the number of wounded and dead. It seems that there are about 1,400 soldiers left, and more than half of the dead people were from the lightning squad alone. The only adventurers who survived were a few B-rank people, and the rest were wiped out.

Even so, the majority of the injured were saved thanks to Roel and the remaining healers and priests. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it. It's not simply that he was surprised, he seemed troubled.

「 Ehem…… First, we would like to thank you for saving our country from a crisis. 」

I was afraid that I would being berated for escaping, or worse, be thrown back into jail, but I was relieved that it didn’t happen. For that matter though, I should also apologize for blowing up the door of that place with all my might and leaving it full of debris, even though it was only a bit of destruction. But I didn't attack the guards. I ignored the warning and rushed at them, and they threw magic at me, but it was no problem at all, and it was like they missed us, which didn't work at all, and eventually cleared the way for us.

After that, I carried Roel on my back and went around the gates of the country to kill the Golems. I was worried because Hast-sama said he was going to the east gate first and then disappeared. I didn't expect it to be like that.

「 But that's not what this is about. I can't let the jailbreak thing slide.」

「 You… you still haven’t gotten over that……」

「 Hast-sama, please shut up. Aren’t you supposed to still be in the middle of recuperating? 」

He really is a cheapskate. Even Hast-sama, who had was still recuperating, was given a hard time by him, what kind of king is this? Roel, who was standing next to me, was clearly annoyed, even though Roel had hardly slept at all and was concentrating on the recovery of the injured.

We didn't do it because we wanted to do something, but that doesn't mean we deserve it. We just couldn't standard wait to see Tolppo and Rash's hometown and so many people be put in danger.

「 Your Majesty, I, Tekker, have witnessed these people in action.

I hope you something like this aside. 」

「 It was I, the captain of the Fire Team, who used Fire Rain at them as a test. Which also making me the one responsible directly for their illegal entry. 」

The captains of the fire and thunder squads gave me a mouthful of support. The captain of the earth and water team followed suit. I wonder if it was because I saved their troops when they were being pushed back by Golem. Even so, the king was not intimidated, and everyone bowed their heads. The queen sitting next to the king was looking at the scene without moving an eyebrow. But unlike the king, she had a kind look on her face.

「 Zazir, no, Your Majesty. Do you seriously think you can put up a punishment for these girls? 」

「 What's with the sudden changes...」

「 She is capable of wiping out a group of Golems with a single swing of her sword, something that even a single nation could not handle on their own.

What kind of punishment could you even inflict on such an opponent? 」

「 Well, that is, but…… you, you aren’t going to try to resist, won’t you?」

Suddenly, the king looked at me with a worried look on his face and asked me this question. Do you really have to ask that of me now of all time?

「 I have things I need to do 」

As soon as I said that, everyone stopped and stared at me.

「 I won’t let myself stay here any longer  」

「 Kh! Y, You!」

I released a little of intimidation, but that seemed to be more than enough to shake the place. The soldiers who had been neatly lined up suddenly fell back and broke in a cold sweat. The captains staggered, and the soldiers escorting the king leapt in front of the throne, poised. But their hands were trembling slightly. Even the guards, who were barely hit that, end up looking like the world was about to end. The Prime Minister had fallen on his butt and was backing up against the wall. And even though he knew that there was no way for him to move back, he was still kicking the floor with his feet as if trying to stick to the wall.

I slowly walked over towards the king, but Roel grabbed my hand and tried to stop me.

「 No, don't come any closer!」

「 King, I don't want any kind of reward from you or anything. But I do want you to stop trying to fault me of something I didn’t do. 」

Two of the guards tried to restrain me, but I didn't care about them. If you're going to use magic, try it. I'm angry.

「 That's enough, Your Majesty. Can't we just call it a night here?

Or are you so determined that you're really going to wage an impossible war against this girl? 」

「 You, you stay out of this! What has happened to you Hast-sama?」

「 I'm not really planning on doing anything. I'm just stating the facts as they are. 」

「 But, however, We can't afford to miss anything here……」

「 So it's war, then? 」

「 uh, Kuuh! Eei! I don't know anymore!」

The king stood up from his throne vigorously, pushed aside the two guards, and walked away. Then I heard the door close roughly. He's gone, but what is the meaning of all this.

「 We're done 」

The queen opened her mouth for the first time. She may be about the same age as the king, but she is more beautiful and looks much younger than him. I wonder if she can use magic too.

「 I'm sorry. When things don’t go his way, he would always lock himself up in his room.

It's probably because he inherited the throne at an early age after the death of his predecessor, but he just can't seem to shake off his childish side. 」

「 I'm sorry, Ryua and Roel. I’m also part to blame for this.

I was very strict with that person when he inherited the throne as a child. He possessed magical power that was incomparable to that of his predecessors, so I knew that I should not indulge him any further.

As a result, it seems that only his sense of responsibility has taken precedence inside him and only his body has grown while his spirit has not been nurtured properly.......

Well, that's not important to you guys, is it? For now, let's get out of here. 」

Even if you say that it doesn't matter, it does, but the only thing that stuck out to me was the fact that the king had lost his parents too. My parents are also gone. Most children are raised by their parents until they grow up, but there are people like me and that king. I wonder if the king and I would have been acting differently if we had been raised normally.

「 Ryua-chan, let’s go?」

Before I realized it, Roel was already holding my hand and urging me to go. That's right. I have Roel now. I should be happy with that.


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