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Deep in the forest, there was a craggy area that jutted out, pushing through the trees.

Ferris’ group of three slowly climbed up the craggy hill.

There were slopes where you could fall dozens of meters if you stepped off, and cliffs so high that you had to look up.

The three of us were sweating in the humid space, with hazy mist drifting around them. Even though it looked like a hill, it was now almost resembling a mountain, and the girls' physical strength would not allow them to go very far.

Alicia looked at Ferris filled with concern.

「 Are you okay? You look like you're in a lot of pain.......」

「 I, I’m alright! it's not that hard!」

With that reply, she shook her head, but Ferris was breathing heavily.

「 I, I can give you a piggyback ride! Now, come on over!」

Jeanette hurriedly squatted down in front of Ferris and offered to give her a piggyback ride.

「 Jeanette-san has changed a lot since the old days....... I didn't expect her to be such a person who wants to take care of someone else.......」

Alicia murmured, as she looks at Jeanette.

Jeanette blushed in reaction.

「 Is, isn’t it fine this way! When I see Ferris like this, I just can't leave her alone! What's wrong with something like this for her!?」

Alicia chuckles in response.

「 I don't mean to make you feel bad about it. AI also would have done so myself.」

「 Yo, you, don’t just say that we are thinking the same way!」

Jeanette turned her head away after replying.

Ferris smiled as she was enveloped in the hospitality of these two people.

It was a little embarrassing to be treated like a child, but it made her very happy to be loved by the two people she likes.

The three of them climbed to the top of the hill and looked around warily.

「 The Gazulla haven’t showed up yet……」

「 Hmm, according to the book that I’ve read, it should be living around this area……」

「 Are you sleepy?Let’s finish having a meal first!」

Ferris took out some portable food from her pack bag as if she was on a picnic.

It was then that a tremor ripped through the surrounding area, and the top of the hill, and the ground, exploded.

Earth and sand scattered, and a large tube-like creature erupted from underground.

It was exactly then that……

「It, it’s, a giant earthwormmmmmmmm!!!!」

Ferris let out a heartfelt scream.

It was a giant worm that was several meters long.

It wriggled its slimy purple body and dripped filthy mucus from her mouth.

And what is noteworthy the most is the smell it released.

There was a sickening smell of decay, as if leftovers and dead bodies had been mixed together to breed the worst kind of stench in the air.

「 Th, this is…… was there a monster that is more powerful than any others living in this place……」

Jeanette said in a stiffened voice.

Alicia clenched her fist in response.

「 No, that is Gazulla. If you beat that, you'll get 1,000 points. Let's go for it!」

「 I, I will do my best……」

Ferris shuddered as she replied.

「 Ferris? What's the matter? You're in a terribly releasing cold sweat.」

「 I, Wow, I don't like earthworms.... When I was digging for magic rocks in the mine, I once fell into a cave full of worms. ...... I was soaked in their presence for three days and three nights struggling until I could finally escape, and I was soaking wet from their disgusting mucus.......」

Her eyes were no longer focused.

It was easy for Jeanette and Alicia to see how frightened she must have been.

Jeanette clenched her fists, thinking that this was the time to show Ferris her good side.

「 Don't worry, Ferris, We've got your back!」

「 Ah 」

「 Uwah 」

In front of Jeanette and Alicia's eyes, Ferris was suddenly  swallowed whole by the giant worm.

「 Fe, Ferrisーーーーーーーーーー!?」

Jeanette and Alicia's screams echoed through the air.


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