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When Ferris regain her consciousness, she realizes that she was lying on a bed after opening her eyes.

A ceiling that is pure white color. It is different from the usual gray colored coal wall.

Furthermore, the object she is lying on is not the thin straw mattress she always used in the coal mine but a soft fluffy bed instead.

She felt as though she was lying on a fluffy cloud which gently wrap around the whole of her small body.

(Still... in the middle of a dream...?)

Ferris felt troubled.

There is a cute lamp providing illumination on the ceiling and an expensive looking table near the bed. Ferris has never seen or heard of such a beautiful room in her life.

However, her consciousness is clear and everything she saw is so detailed she knew this is not a dream but reality.

Just how did it turn out this way. Ferris tried recalling her memory before she lost her consciousness.

「 Oh, you woke up 」

A golden hair young lady opened the door and enter the room.

This young lady, if Ferris remember...

「 That... you are...」

「 Alicia. Alicia Goudenbert. What is your name?」

「 Aah, I am, Ferris desu!」

Ferris jumped out of the bed in panicked to greet her but her head felt dizzy. Ferris is unable to stand properly, so Alicia immediately went and stop her.

「 You shouldn’t move so suddenly. Probably due to using such a strong magic, you collapsed as your body could not handle the load. You have not recovered yet 」

「 Magic...? Me...?」

Ferris was in a state of confusion.

She knew the existence of magic. But this is a power that only a few chosen people held could use. Her masters were always discussing topic about magic and kept criticizing those magicians. However, the voice of envy was mixed in. Still, this is a topic that is completely related to Ferris.

「 That’s right, you could use magic... To be honest, I still could not believe it but since I saw it right in front of my eyes, I have no choice but to accept it... your summoned beast 」

「 Summon... beast...」

Ferris recalled the matter regarding Leviathan.

Extremely violent and evil being covered in flame. No, she does not even know if that thing could be considered a living being and Ferris started to shiver in fear after its frightening appearances floated into her mind.

The golden hair young lady - Alicia grab hold of Ferris hand.

「 Thank you... Ferris. Thanks to you, I did not get kidnapped by those guys. I'm willing to do anything within my power to show my gratitude, so please tell me what you want unreservedly 」

Alicia bluish-green pupil stated straight at Ferris.

「 E... no need, for thank you! Also, I, did not help for reward! It is also a coincidence to help!」

Ferris is panicking.

That’s right, it is a coincidence.

If Leviathan did not appear, both Ferris and Alicia will be subjected to cruel treatment by the hooligan.

It is not my power. I am weak, I am only a slave, this is what Ferris is thinking about.

「 That might be the case but still, please tell me any of your wish. I could not let go of this without showing my gratitude 」

Alicia started speaking passionately while holding Ferris hand tightly.

Looking at her filthy black hand being held by a lady with a beautiful clean hand, Ferris felt embarrassed. Towards someone so different from her, she did not know how to react.

Without letting go of her hand, Ferris desperately began to think of her wish.

「 T, that, that...」

And at that time, a dignified voice from a woman could be heard from the corridor.

「 Before that, I believe it would be better for our guest to take a bath 」

Looking over, she saw a woman standing in the corridor with a stern expression on her face. She is wearing a dress with frills and her hair is tied with pretty decorations.

Ferris does not know what a maid uniform is, so she does not know the woman is a servant. She only felt (a scary person...). Of course Ferris has no way of knowing that the woman is the head maid.

Alicia nodded.

「 After you mentioned it, that is the case. A girl should not be like this! Well then, let's go!」

「 Eh...eh...?」

Holding hands with Alicia, Ferris was bought out of the room.

「 Alicia-sama!? Please let the maids take care of the guest!

The head maid frantically tried to stop Alicia, but she has no intention to stop.

「 I cannot do that! I will take care of my benefactor personally!」

「 Th, that, I, where...?」

Ferris could not predict what will happen to her, so she felt fear from the oujo-sama that pull her along.


The place Ferris was bought to was a wide room.

The floor was made from marble, and a big pool of puddle could be seen in the middle.

No, from the steam raising from the water, that is probably hot water.

There are statues of an unknown beast at the edges of the puddle and hot water is flowing non-stop from the statue.

「 This place is...?」

Alicia speaks to the stunned Ferris.

「 Bathing. I will begin to clean you properly from now on. There seems to be a lot of dirt on you 」

「 Bathing...? Things such as bathing, what is that...?」

「 Eh...? Bathing is, bathing?」

「 What should I do....?」

「 Isn't it just to wash your body?」

「 Why must we wash our body? Do I need to stand in front of the statue to bathe?」

「 What are you talking about...?」

Alicia raised her eyebrow.

「 Although I think it is impossible... you have not washed your body even once until now... you won’t say that right?」

「 I might not have wash, but...」

*Crack*, there seems to be the sound of something breaking coming from Alicia.

「 Waitttt, is that true!? I cannot believe you! I really cannot believe you! You, are a girl right!?」

「 I am probably a girl...」

「 If that is the case, you must bath every day! This is the habit all girl must have! Do you understand!?」

「 Do, do not understand...」

Ferris answered while being frightened.

Although she was told it is a habit for a girl, there are no girls interacting with her until now. She has not even meet other children of the same age, so she does not know what she has to do.

Alicia sighed.

「 There is no other way... Although I felt apologetic for you. Let me wash you, take off everything, take off everything now!」

A shriek could be heard from Ferris.

Alicia suddenly took off Ferris tore and tattered clothes. And then Ferris is standing fully naked, and started backing off from Alicia while shivering.

「 W, wwwwwwhat will you do to me!」

「 What I will do? It's just entering the bath, so we have to take off our clothes. Because we all both girl so there is nothing to be ashamed of!」

Alicia took off her beautiful dress and doesn’t seem embarrassed revealing her naked body.

Pure white skin, there is not even one speck of dirt on her body.

And a perfect figure.

It is perfect no matter where you look and Ferris has trouble knowing where to look.

Then, she compared it with her small and petite body and felt embarrassed. She unconsciously tried to hide her body with both her arms.

「 Well then, let's begin bathing?」

Alicia guided Ferris into the huge bathroom.

She used a bucket and pour hot water over Ferris head, make bubbles on Ferris head with shampoo and began washing her hair.

Some shampoos fell into Ferris eyes, so she could not help but cried.

「 Ah!? So, so painful!」

「 You should not open your eyes. Close your eyes when you are washing our hair 」

「 A, alrighttt...」

Ferris tightly shut her eyes after being told so by Alicia.

Alicia's slender fingers massaged on every corner of Ferris's head which makes her feel comfortable. After all her tension is gone, Ferris leaked out a voice 「 Haaa...」.

Alicia repeated the cycle of pouring hot water over Ferris's head and washed her hair multiple times.

After the job of washing hair is completed, it is her body. Lathering a small cloth with body soap, Ferris's body was rubbed. As Ferris felt odd with this feeling, she protested many times, but Alicia did not allow it.

Ferris did not know how long has passed.

As Ferris's body was scrubbed all over by the oujo-sama, she came out of the bathroom with little energy.

Ferris felt exhausted after experiencing this new feeling of her, but she did not think it was unpleasant. She felt that her spirit was recovering. Her whole body felt warm and her cheek was flushed hot.

「 You see... just look. So pretty right?」

Both Alicia and Ferris stood in front of a mirror. Alicia place her hand over Ferris shoulder and asked her this question.

The mirror reflected a child which is unknown to Ferris.

White and smooth skin.

Shiny glossy hair that is still dripping water.

Deep red lip and rosy pink cheek.


Ferris tilted her head which makes Alicia laugh.

「 That's you, Ferris. The real you are such a cute girl. Hence, you must bath every day 」

「 This is...me...right...?」

The more she looks, the more unbelievable she felt.

And while Ferris is in this state, a growling sound is heard from her stomach.

「 Well well, you must be hungry. The preparation should almost be done, so let's go have a meal 」

Ferris jumped hearing the word meal.

「 Meal!? Is it meal!? Can I also eat a meal!?」

「 Maa, you suddenly have such a big reaction 」

「 Ah, S, sorry! I unconsciously...」

Ferris hanged her head dejectedly. She thought that if she acts like a beast, she would not be allowed to stay any longer.

「 It's alright. Well then, let’s head to the dining room 」

Alicia smiled gently towards Ferris and held her hand.


The room Alicia called a dining room was a big room with an extremely long table.

The surface of the table is covered with a white cloth and many metal lids lined up along the table. The food was nowhere in sight.

Noticing that Ferris suddenly felt dejected, Alicia started to explain.

「 You don’t have to worry as the food are all underneath the lid 」

「 Ah, I, see...」

As a ten-year-old girl sitting on one of the huge chair, it makes Ferris look even smaller.

The head maid then entered the room and speak to Alicia.

「 Ojou-sama. The leader of the guard came over. Regarding the attempted assault this time, he would like to speak with danna-sama, ojou-sama... and the guest over there 」

Alicia shake her head.

「 Leave this matter to later. The most important thing now is to fill Ferris's stomach 」

Saying that, Alicia directed her smile towards Ferris.

「 However, ojou-sama, the guard leader seems extremely busy...」

「 Later, later. Which is more important, accommodating to the schedule of guard leader or repaying my important benefactor 」

A statement which indicate there is no room for negotiation.

「 There is no helping it... I will convey it properly to danna-sama 」

The head maid smiled bitterly while leaving the room.

「 Well then, please eat to your heart content!」

Alicia took the sit beside Ferris and gave a nod to the maids.

Hence, the maid came close to the table and remove all the lids covering the food.

And on that table, Ferris saw many cuisines that she never saw in her life.

There are many type of simmered and roasted meat that are overflowing with delicious smell.

Salad made up of a combination of red, green and yellow vegetables.

A huge basket filled to the brim with fruits.

A variety of ingredient that is cooked by frying.

A cake that is covered in white cream.

Ferris does not even know the name of the dish, let alone the way to eat it.

No matter which one she looks, all the dish seem delicious.

「 I, itadakimasu! 」

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Ferris leaped at the food.

She does not know the purpose of the small knife or fork placed on the table and just grab a handful of the cake. She then pushed all food into her mouth and swallow it without even chewing.

「 Maa!」 「 What is with your way of eating!?」 「 Please at least use a fork!」

The maid started making a commotion.

「 It's alright 」

With a single word from Alicia, all the maid quiet down.

Ferris is self-indulging in eating the cake.

Stuffing her face full of cream, biting strawberry, eating huge bites of the sponge portion of the cake and a loud swallowing sound could be heard from her throat.

Such a delicious food, Ferris has never eaten in her whole life.

Sweetness, freshness, and fluffiness... food which tasted like it came out from her dream, a portion dropped from her face. The food melted in her tongue. Her stomach is still growling, more, screaming to eat more food.

「 How is it...? Is it delicious?」

Alicia inquired.

At long last, Ferris realized that she is greedily devouring the food and stop her action out of guilt.

「 Not...delicious 」

「 Eh...」

Alicia eyes opened wide in surprise.

「 I...realized it... Delicious food... never eaten... I always, thought the delicious bread... but, it's not delicious...」

Comparing it to the cake, the bread also tasted like garbage.

Ferris did not receive anything else besides the moldy breads  she thought all along that it tasted good. However, that is because she did not taste other flavors.

After realizing it, she knew how stupid she was before.

Her word that her masters said to her, 「 Leftover garbage woman 」.

At the street, she saw many people wearing beautiful dresses.

Various things are surfacing into Ferris mind and her body started trembling.

Don’t know why, tears are flowing. Cannot stop.

「 This cake is... very, very delicious...」

Ferris tried to smile with a (ehehe) coming out her throat.

Looking at such a Ferris, Alicia bit her lips.

「... As long as you like, it's okay to eat more 」

「 Yes...」

「... Until you get bored, it’s okay to keep on staying in this house 」

「 Thank... you very much....」

Ferris felt warmth after Alicia hugged her from behind.

Alicia's voice, felt warm.

Ferris kept on chewing the cake that already tasted salty.

Her chest felt painful, aching, but it is a comfortable feeling.

Ferris wished this moment would stay on longer while being hugged by Alicia.


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