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La Veil carried as many children as she could hold and brought them towards the door. Cielo, Nika and Arena also carried everyone and after a few round trips everyone finally made across. La Veil then used 『Synchronization』.

『We’re done over here!! You can come over now Master!!』

『That sure took a while, did something happened?』

『The little heroes just worked a bit harder than they should. Anyway the pathways have been marked so please follow it!!』

『Alright, prepare for departure La Veil』

『Alright, leave it to me!!』

Soon after, a really loud noise came followed by a roar that creates vibrations through the walls.

There the children saw 1 girl running away from what one would call the embodiment of hell following behind her. The sword she was carrying was giving off a strange brilliance, but no one had the time to worry about that at the moment.



「Everyone!! Open the gates now!!! It will be a crazy ride!!!!」

Right before she steps on the red marked plate, Aidle unloads as many monster materials as she could then followed after everyone that entered the door. After looking back, despite the passage being clogged, she was still able to witness the hellish view just before the door closed.

They were expecting to overflow from their speed of their approach before the door closes.

「I did expect it but this is annoying……Are you ready?」

From the passage after entering the door, the strongest dragon showed her head with her mouth open wide, ready to spit a hellfire that would turn everything into charred coal.

『Perfect!! Now, erase everything!!!!』

A bright red ray that obstructed the view was released.

It dyed the room white and passed all the way through the other side……and then the door finally closed.

And now we are currently in the middle of a wide meadow.

「Haaah…I’m tired. Is everyone alright? ……Whoops」

「Everyone, go to sleep……」

「Un, good work everyone」

Everyone was put to sleep other than members of 『Fairy’s Banquet』. My body won’t probably be able to move for a while from exhaustion.

「Oh, the sword’s brilliance finally disappeared……ughー…the sound of level up doesn’t stop, I’m tired and hungry……Magic is…it seems to be useable now」

The water barrier activated without problems this time and covered us. This should be enough to make this place safe. The sword is……oh well, I’ll investigate it later when we wake up.

「Aidle~, thanks for the hard work」

「Hmm, I’ve endured quite well」

「These two. You probably won’t be able to get over it if even one of them went missing. 」

It was not a place that one party would be able to survive. Even a team of heroes were not able to break through all the traps. It would definitely be out of question if it was only a group of backers that could overcome it. It was only made possible because of this special group.

「All the children will definitely come back alive. That way they can live strong and proud even when they go outside……」

「It will be fine. They have already become really reliable」

「Un, I’m sure everyone will become good people in the future. We guarantee it」

Oh, they got Arena and La Veil’s guarantee huh. Then there’s no doubt that they will become a heroic symbol in the future. Anyway, time to sleep too.

「Maurice, Bed~」

I summoned Maurice, returned to my fairy form and lay down. Arena also did the same and lay beside me. La Veil then lifts Maurice and brought us close to the children. What’s wrong?

「I’ll also sleep in my original form and since I’ll be sleeping in a circle surrounding you, it’s better to rest soundly」

「Alright……well, we also don’t want them to get separated so it’s fine」

「The children won’t probably have any problems with that. Well then, good night~……zZZ」



「Hey, starting today, don’t suck up too much Okay. Please listen……」


「…Un. Then good night……」


「You understand, right」



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