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This is the Square in front of the balcony.

Mari,  Sophie and Haril looked at each other and took a break.

「Mari-sama,  that was amazing!」

Haril couldn’t help but stare at Mari in admiration,  while the level 99 saint smugly answers with a 「Ehem! 」.


Following that was Sophie who glomped at Mari and hugging her intensely!

「Wai,  wait,  Sophie! It’s embarrassing you know,  and Haril-kun is watching」

Mari says as she stared at Haril,  who couldn’t help but look away. Ah,  what a good boy he is,  Mari thought……

「Hey,  I said stop! It’s really embarrassing,  you know」

「Don’t worry,  you will still be the best,  even if anybody else sees you!!」

After the hug,  Sophie stares into Marti’s eyes. The distance between their faces slowly closed and her reflection could be seen on Sophie’s blue eyes.

(Eh……Hey,  are we going to end up in a kissing scene just like that!?)

Mari readied herself,  but that moment didn’t really come,  Instead,  a fading voice saying 「Sorry」 was whispered on her ears.

「I didn’t think about Mari’s feelings after all……I won’t call you Saint-sama anymore. Will you forgive me? 」

「It’s fine,  I’m sorry too. When I saw the knight captain,  I thought that you didn’t really have that knightly attitude. But I didn’t really understand what that meant」

「Mou,  can you forget about that already」

「No I won’t! After all,  this is also just my own selfishness. Sophie is my only friend in this world after all. That’s why……I’m really scared of you leaving me alone! I’m really sorry for making you feel bad about it. 」

This time Mari hugged Sophie and Sophie hugged her back while gently petting my head.

……, ……


Haril was the first one to notice the discomfort.

Although it was small,  the rhythmic grumbling sound could be heard.

「I wonder what that is?」

Sophie listens closely as she turned towards the direction of the sound.

Grumbling……it kind of resembles the noise of footsteps.

「It’s coming from the East Gate,  let’s go!」

Haril starts running,  followed by Mari and Sophia.

They arrived at the east gate in no time. And when they observed from the top of the city walls,  a monster could be seen heading straight for the Missley Citadel.

It's a huge monster that's tens of meters tall,  and if that attacks Misley's walls,  it could easily do so without any difficulty and destroy the city. There was a downtown on the outer circumference of the Misley Citadel,  and we have to do something about it before it gets there.

「Haril-kun,  this will be today’s last task 」

He nodded quietly in response.

「Sophie,  can you Haril-kun some time to charge up enough mana?」

She didn’t really need to ask. It could already be seen on her face that she’s full of motivation to do so.

「Well then,  start the assault!!」

On Mari’s signal,  Sophie jumps off the wall and dashed straight towards the monster. While approaching the monster at tremendous speed,  she pull out her sword and used her momentum to cut off it’s leg.


The monster staggered for a moment then violently roared and started attacking Sophie.

「It has been stopped! Haril-kun enter chanting mode now,  I will provide you with magical power 」

「But Mari-sama. The monster is still too far away! At that distance,  the spell won’t be powerful enough. We should get closer」

「It’s fine. Just use my Magic Power and it would be more than enough to cast it from this distance!」

Haril couldn’t help but follow and started concentrating.

「Good,  good,  I could see Haril-kun's magic power is getting increasing. You really have a high quality magic power.」

Mari stands behind Haril,  puts her hand on his shoulder and pours magic power towards him. After a while,  their appearance began to shine because of the overflowing surplus of magic power.

At that time,  Christie,  Sarah,  and Glenn also arrived on the walls of the east gate. They watched Sophie battle with the monster then noticed the shining Mari and Haril.

Sophie dodged all the raging monster’s attacks on a paper thin distance. It was so close in fact that the residents of Misley watching from the Citadel couldn’t help but gasp at every moment.

While in the middle of such battle,  communication came from Mari.

『Sophie,  can you hear me? If you can hear me,  then do your best to run away. Burst Magic will be launched in ten seconds. 』

『OK』Sophie replied then cuts the monster diagonally before taking distance away from the monster by twisting her body and dashing back.

「……3, 2, 1, Haril-kun, Now!!」

All of the accumulated Magic Power was released at once by Haril’s spell!

A huge magic circle appeared above the monster……then in the next moment, a blinding flash of light rained down from it!!

10 seconds later, the sound of a really loud explosion reached Misley Citadel and then followed by a violent shockwave that almost uprooted the trees near the Citadel Walls.

Sophie was also hit by the shockwave and was buried in dust, but soon got up and spit out sand and dust that entered her mouth. And they look back at the location of the monster, there was almost nothing left but debris and it’s two foot.

The people of Misley who witnessed this all cheered!

It was a loud cheer that had never been heard before!!

「Finally it’s over」

As soon as she said so, Haril felt a heavy weight pressing against his shoulders. There he found Mari leaning against him facing the ground unconscious. If left as is, she would have fallen on the ground.


Haril kept on calling out upon the fainted Mari. The people who were watching the scene also started to gather along with Christie, Sarah and Glen.

「Open the way. I am a priestess, please open the way!」

When Christie finally arrived at the location of the two, she immediately examined Mari then breath out in relief as she spoke to Haril.

「It’s okay Magician-kun. It seems like the Saint only ran out of Magic Power so it’s alright 」


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