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As they have promised yesterday, Mari and Sophia met once more at the tavern the next morning. There was an open terrace in front of the store with several tables lined up. They sat on one of the round tables and ordered some tea.

「Once again, thank you for helping me when I was in a dangerous situation yesterday」

Mari politely bows to Sophia to show her thanks. She was not wearing a military uniform today, but she still gives off a cool aura. The tight white pants that she is wearing make her legs look more slender and long, and the tight outfit she wears emphasizes her firm figure.

「You don’t really have to humble yourself in front of me Mari. I am no longer a knight after all. Look, I’m just currently wearing my plain clothes」

Sophia shows off to Mari her fitting green shirt to Mari as if showing off while smiling.

「What do you mean by not a knight anymore??」

「Actually, I left the order yesterday」

「Don’t tell me, the reason of you leaving was the incident yesterday?」

「Not really, it was already decided that I would leave in a few days because of a different matter. Yesterdays was just the last day of me working on patrols and I have just encountered that event by chance. I just happen to be dressed up in a more formal manner because I was going to meet a superior. 」

I see, so that’s why she was not wearing armor and didn’t look like a knight at all. Realizing that she was not the cause……Mari felt relieved.

「That’s all there is regarding that case. However, please don’t wander of to bad places like that again」

「I’m sorry. I’m not really familiar with the city…… and then I got lost」

While sweating cold sweat, Mari tried to deceive her. After all, she can’t really say anything other than that.

「Are you unfamiliar to Misley? Then if you have problems and concerns, feel free to consult me」

I worriedly answered yes. If she told her that she was reincarnated, will she believe me?

「Umm……」I tried to speak but immediately shut myself up. I still can’t decide yet.

As expected, it would be unbelievable. Even I can’t believe it myself after all. 

Seeing Mari trying to speak something but shutting herself off, Sophia decided to speak.

「It’s fine if you can’t tell me about it. You could talk to me about it whenever you feel like it」

After a bit of time passing, the waiter brought their tea. It was similar to tea that I could find back in my original world, and Sophia did call it tea speaking in this world’s language.

「Haaaah~, it was delicious」

「This tea is a first class product that came from Marel Island」

「If I weren’t mistaken, Marel Island is a big island south of Rune Sea. There’s also supposed to be a scary demon king living there」

「Oh, you know about that. Did Mari come from the south?」

「N, no……I only learned about it from a book I have read before. Also, I only know a little about Misley. Would you please tell me more about this place? 」

That was a careless remark that she thought of, however Mari was able to immediately change the topic and was able to gather a lot of information from Sophia. According to her, this is indeed the continent of Ardesia, and other places around the world are also similar to the ones in the game world. Not only that, but there many things other than geography that were similar to the game.

There are monsters in this world and there are adventurers that hunt them. Adventurers register in guilds and get hunting rewards, and even some monster parts being hunted are similarly priced in game……there were a lot of similarities even up to that point.

Mari was relieved to know that there were many similarities in the game that would be possible in this world.

And then, Sophia told me about herself. She is the eldest daughter of a local baron, the daughter of a noble.

As a knight, her upbringing was also good……thinking about that, Mari looks at Sophia and noticed her refined movements, and because Mari was raised as a commoner, she felt a bit complex about it.

She apparently came from a rural territory governed by her father in order to become a knight. Knights are recruited at the age of 12 but she successfully became a full-fledged knight at the age of 16. She is currently 18 years old and it’s her 3rd year working as a proper knight.

By this point, the two realized that they have become completely open with each other.

「I have been working hard for 6 years but it seems like being a state knight was not a position for me」

「At one time, I got caught up in a fight with a senior. It ended up becoming a big problem because he was the son of a higher ranking noble」

Recalling the way Sophia fought yesterday, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the senior knight.

「With all that done, I’m about to head back to my father’s territory……what about Mari?」

「I’ve only thought about it overnight, but I wanted to register as an adventurer. I have to be able to return the money I’ve borrowed from you, Sophia」

「I was also invited to become an adventurer, but is that enjoyable?」

Mari’s eyes gleamed as she hears this comment! Then replies to her to listen well.

「There’s nothing more exciting of an experience than this. Party members may be working for a different purpose, but everyone would work together to make it happen! And more than that, a member that could use recovery is a key requirement of a party! 」

「What’s Mari’s dream?」

「I want to make an adventurer’s party that would travel continents. Discover places, collect rare items, gold, silver and treasures and then build a clan! Then the name and emblem of my clan will be known not only Adersia but to all nations!!」

A clan is an organization of like-minded adventurers forming as a group, and the name Mari’s clan in the game was known throughout the game world.  Mou, I want to recreate it in this world once again!

……thinking about that, burning passion rushes out of her body. She stood up filled with excitement and did a guts pose while having one hand on her waist!!

「It’s a magnificent dream」Sophia responds happily. 

「It’s not going to be just a dream, I’m planning to go to the adventurer’s guild to register after all. It’s that four story building near the fountain square. I’m a priest and can use healing magic really well even without proper equipment. I can immediately recruit party members to go hunting with me」

「I’m happy to hear more about Mari. But I think that it wouldn’t be that easy」


「It’s about Mari’s Healing Magic」


「Healing Magic is under the temple’s monopoly and cannot be freely used without the temple’s permission. Using it without their consent might get you arrested instead」

The proper name of the『Temple』 is officially called 『Ardesian Temple Association』. Sacred Magic is supervised by this prestigious organization that has many branches all over the continent with its headquarters based on Sacred Country of Misley. They are in charge of researching Sacred Magic, nurturing priests and priestesses, and even Healing Magic costs are being allocated to their services. Because of this, unauthorized use of Healing Magic is severely cracked down because it would sabotage the temple’s activities.

「Then what do adventurers do in this case? Healing is a must in hunting after all」

「When hunting with adventurers on a request, they are normally hired. Most of the time though, they only allow male priests for this service」

「Then, are there no priestesses that joins hunting requests?」

「It’s not like there are none but…… priestesses normally have a higher magic affinity which is treated as precious by the temple. If the temple knew about Mari, they will definitely want to keep you no matter what the method used in order to acquire you」

While listening closely to Sophia’s explanation, Mari gradually understood the situation. People with High Magic Power is rare and even more so for people that could use Sacred Magic, and maidens who have the capabilities of using it have an obligation to serve at the temple. 

「Mari, normally people like that give up becoming an adventurer and enter the temple where they won’t have any problems with daily necessities. I could get you a letter of recommendation if you want to」

Mari droop her shoulders out of disappointment. After all, she wanted to be an Adventurer and not a Doctor.

(If I think about it, just as Sophia said, if I wanted a stable life then this path is a given. However, I never really dreamed of becoming a doctor even in my previous life)

Thinking so, she couldn’t find a proper answer on what she should do. 

It was then that Sophia grinned as she looked at her.

「Hey, I have a good idea to suggest…… do you want to hear about it?」

「What is it?」

「Why not register and have a party with me, I’m quite confident on my Sword Skills! It will also be alright for Mari to use her skills if she were to do it secretly」

Looking directly at Sophia’s blue eyes, Mari’s chest pounded intensely. 

「Is it alright?」She said as she stares at Sophia.

「Of course, please take care of me!」

Mari immediately grab Sophia’s outstretched hand without hesitation.


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