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TL: Fenderson

ED: Yuki

「ⓕⓤⓒⓚ… never expected him to possess an escape technique…」

「Well, it’ll be alright. Next time we will catch him.」

「That’s right. I’ll immediately contact other countries and arrange for wanted posters.」

「Haa, Bacchus… why are you here? And together with the knight leader…」 (The Hand)

Who are these two people? The Hand-san seems to be acquainted with them though…?

The two introduce themselves to me.

「So you are Alim Nariwei. I’m late in introducing myself. I am Gordes Kings. Thanks for taking care of Olgo earlier.」

「I am Bacchus・Du’Sauce… SS-ranker and sake brewer. Today I am here to guard the royalty… Let’s get along. Incidentally, I know The Hand through the slavery abolition movement. Right The Hand? 」

「Th… Thank you, I am Alim・Nariwei.」

I see, so it is Olgo’s father and an escort for the royalty… who also brews sake.

Bacchus-san, talks to me in a hisohiso whisper.

「(I heard from Uruto-shi… that you have a master skill that rules over all items? Would you collaborate with me to brew some sake?)」

「That sort of… hisohiso voice… it’s alright to not speak like that.」

「Yayifications! Now you and I are friends」

「Y, yea that is so」

Hey, Uruto-san, don’t go spreading it around without permission. I have never drunk sake.

Well, it’s all good. I got plenty of free time.

At any rate, there seems to have been a lot of people involved in the slave abolition movement.

Gordes-san has an apologetic expression and says.

「Alim, The Hand, I must apologize. I feel bad that in order to get evidence to catch that man I let you get into a bad situation, especially Alim, having to deal with his sexual advances… I am extremely sorry.」 (Gordes)

「Ah… yes. That is alright, I am OK now.」 (Alim)

「That’s right, don’t worry about it.」(The Hand)

「That so… I am really sorry.」

As the four of us where talking, the princess entered the room.

「The food is ready-wa! Alim-sama, The Hand-sama, also, Bacchus-sama and the knight leader, please follow me this way.」 (Karua)



The four of us followed Karua-sama.

When we arrived, there were many gorgeous dishes lined up on the table.

The King, the prince-sama, the minister-sama, Ruin-sama, etc. where already seated.

The King spoke.

「You two, sorry about that. I had you cooperate in catching that guy.」

「It’s all good」

「Please don’t worry about it.」

When he heard our reply, he appeared relieved.

Well, I was sexually harassed.

「Hmmm, is that so. You have my thanks. …Now then, let us have a meal with the two winners of the 452nd battle tournament! Everybody! Thanks to the heavens, thanks to the earth, and thanks to God. Now then… let us partake.」

「「「「「Itadakimasu (thankfully receive)」」」」

The banquet began. They are dishes made by the chefs in the castle. The ingredients are also good quality. They said it was C-rank and A-rank monster meat… and there is boiled blue tongue.

The drinks are top-notch. Apparently, Bacchus was the one who made the sake. In this country, those who are under the age of 17 should not drink, so I and Karua-sama had grape juice.

The sake that Bacchus-san made was amazing. Particularly the wine that the King was drinking is a treasure.

Bacchus-san was very happy when I, the one who holds the item master skill, told him my impressions about the sake.

I’m glad you understand the value of the sake you produced.

Anyway, we began to eat. Incidentally, according to a story the King said, this seems to be the first time that Ruin-sama has joined the tournament champion banquet. It is because I am here.

All of the members of Seinforce are here.

Having drunk enough alcohol to become intoxicated, Lilo-san was trying to embrace me.

Dangerous, I just managed to avoid it. I forgot to turn back into the girl Alim. I got to quickly change.

The Hand-san was mostly talking to Bacchus-san.

It is about the middle of the banquet. Right now, I and Karua-sama are sitting next to each other eating.

Ah, she looks quite happy. I have already totally become this girl’s friend.

Karua-sama addresses me.

「Umm… thank you very much. Alim-sama, I… umm, I have no friends… there hasn’t been anyone the same age that I could eat with… I am very happy…」

「Oh no, it’s no problem. … Oh yea, how about you address me without a honorific? We are already friends aren’t we? 」

「e… um... That’s right. Then call me Karua too! I’d like to take this opportunity to also be called without an honorific…」

Uh oh, I said that she should omit the honorific when calling me because we are friends, I can’t exactly say 『That’s a bit too informal for me to call you without one』now can I.

I quietly look at the King and minister-san’s faces. Have they heard what we were talking about…? Or was this within their expectations from the beginning? Both of them are already giving me an OK sign.

「Alright… I understand. Once again, best regards! Karua-chan! 」

「Yes! Please take care of me! Alim-chan! 」

「By the way, you know, Karua-chan, you don’t need to speak so formally with me?」

「Ummm, that’s kind of difficult… because this is my everyday way of speaking.」

「Is that so, well it’s not good to overdo it and make it unnatural. Just do what you normally do.」

「Yes, I will do that. Alim-chan! 」




We all enjoyed the banquet. I talked about swords with the Knight Commander, I talked about food with Bacchus-san, I told Tuhl-san and Karua-chan about my adventures, and I was hugged by Lilo-san, Myuri-san and Karua-chan.

However, there can be rare irregularities at such times.

It’s often like that in light novels.

Suddenly, without warning, lightning struck, no, it was shot, and the outside wall of the dining hall was destroyed.

The walls of the castle aren’t so easy to break.

In particular, I have appraised this castle and it is quiet sturdy.

It cannot be broken by an attack that is less than an S-rank monster.

That is, it is definitely an S-ranked attack.

It was the S-rank monster, ≪Thunderbird≫.


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