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I was confused. The faith in this Celude god was obviously strong……

Although the number of believers is small because it was a secret society, the amount faith in each individual is outrageous! It was completely different from what you could gather from simple faith.

I wanted to pass by Celude and move forward but she kept making walls and obstructing my way.

「Being stalled like this is really annoying」

Suddenly my body was bound! Intanyu cried 「I can’t move」while she fell and got buried in the desert.

There’s no way…… What kind of faith does she have……

「Innocent people are being enslaved! Let me through! 」

「In the first place, what is a definition of a crime? Are you saying there is no crime in your country? The presence of God isn’t enough to maintain justice」

That’s true. In the first place, I also had been present in wars. At that time, there was nobody who would say murder was evil.

However, that doesn’t mean that I would stay silent. I must pursue them by any means necessary……

I tried to move my bound hands.

「It’s useless. The population density of your followers in this desert area is severely reduced. Maybe because the kidnapped people have given up, or was tired out, it seems that they haven’t been praying that much right now. You might have won this if this was in the territory of New Kathra.」

Celude drew closer and played with my hair.

「Truly beautiful hair. Aren’t you a splendid goddess? However, the conditions right now puts you in a disadvantage.」

「S, stop making a fool out of me……」

「In the world of gods, those with little faith is belittled 」

And suddenly my hands became free.

「Faltear! I believe in you! So go beat up that shitty fox goddess! 」

Intanyu pulled herself out of the desert and began praying with both hands clasped!

「It’s the fate given by a God that is myeself! It should be enough to repel her! 」

「Thanks! Intanyu!」

I with my freed hands—— struck Celude’s chest with all my might.

Blow away! This is the blow from the guardian deity of the Beastman Kingdom!

However, Celude had a calm face.

「That hurt. However, that is it. It is not enough to repel me. This match is my win」

Damn! Damn it! An important devotee is about to be enslaved! Is there no way? Despite being this way am I not a guardian deity? Are you not developing the Beastman Kingdom?

There should be some way. There must be.

This evil god gets her power from sacrifices. She’s an evil god so there should be a strategy in capturing her. Something, I need to think of something!

This is a battle with my pride as a guardian deity on the line.

「Faltear! This may be useful for something! Use it! 」 Intanyu threw me a consecrated knife. It was a small knife but within it hid the power to turn any ordinary man into a hero.

「Oh, If you hit me with that it might temporarily lower my power and allow you to chase the caravan. However,—is it possible with your power to use it? 」

In an instant, Celude moved from where she was and appeared right in front of me.

She moved much faster than me. Right now, in this space, the difference between Celude and I was evident.

「You are aware of it as well. A fight between gods is, in the end, a contest of their people’s faith. No matter how much energy you have it won’t change anything. Please give up」

Speaking like they know everything irritates me.

「There are some enslaved people who believe in you but that amount is trifling. That is why your country would destabilize. Sooner or later, the number of citizens will increase. Will you not hand me the victory this time? I have won in terms of devout believers after all.」

Haah, never in my life would I ever want to be friends with her……

「Well then, would you keep aiding those vile scoundrels of which are your devotees……? 」

「Yes. Even if they were trying to cause the downfall of the fox beastmen I will lend my power. That is the meaning of my existence as Celude」

Celude said it as if it was a matter of fact. Even as an evil god, she understood their belief. And to a horrifying extent at that, and that’s why this god is consistent and logical. Those who believe in her would also be satisfied about it.


What if this god protects anyone who believes in her?

「Now then, what will use that knife for? Will you try to stab me? I won’t stop you If you do so」

「No. I came up with a better way, so I will use that」

I stared into Celude’s unfazed eyes and said.

「Celude, I will believe in you from now on! Therefore work for me! 」

As I have expected, it was not something that Celude could even imagine.

「Believe in me? However, what could you possibly offer as sacrifice being a god? 」

I cut off my long and beautiful hair with the knife.

It suddenly was reduced to a shoulder length. However, that’ will be fine.

「I offer my hair, the hair of a goddess. I’m sure that something like this won’t be overshadowed by blood and flesh of humans! 」

「Kukuku…… kuhahahahahaha!」

Celude laughed in a loud voice.

「I see! That I idea didn’t even cross my mind! I understand! I shall fulfill the Goddess Faltear’s wish!」

Having said that, Celude flew in the direction the wagon was headed towards.

「Follow me!」

As I headed towards the place, the caravan and horse were bound and unable to move. There were also people who were rolling on the desert.

「I took away these people’s freedom」

「Thank you. As expected of an evil god the power you poses is the real deal.」

「Even if it was harmful to the fox people it wouldn’t matter would it」

Celude then entered the wagon and untied the dog and cat-eared beastmen. I did say unbound but rather Celude just touched the rope and they unraveled themselves.

「Eh……The fox eared god……?」

The child being held hostage was able to see Celude. It seems like this god didn’t really care about showing her presence to people.

「Goddess Faltear, with her hair as an offering, wished for this Goddess Celude to rescue you I accepted that wish」

After that, Celude suddenly disappeared.

The kidnapping incident seems to have been safely resolved.


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