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 「I have returned, Minister Revenant. That was really the worst, the worst I say」

An irritated voice echoes through the room, it was the voice of the blond haired woman with glowing red eyes and a big scar on her neck.

「What do you mean by the worst? 」

The person who answered was Revenant, an overweight man dressed in luxurious clothes filled with jewelry but was arranged in a bad way. 

He was currently in front of his desk reading documents, and he was seated in a luxurious chair bigger than a normal one.

The woman walk towards the front of his desk, then continued talking in an annoyed state.

「That guy, Vanil Mirth was defeated」

「Huh, what? 」

Responding to her ridiculous report he couldn’t cope up with the facts, the woman sighed and once more delivered the same news that she said previously.

「As I said, that guy, Vanil Mirth was defeated」

「wha, really, then what about the plan――」

「Un, it was quite troublesome, right now, it’s urgently required that we procure the new《Weapons》」

「But, if we rush it now, won’t they be easily annihilated? 」

She watched the disappointed Revenant who was murmuring about things, but then she started laughing.

「If it’s Vanil Mirth we are talking about then it would certainly result in that. But his opponent was just a child, but certainly if that child hinders our plan then she will be a greater threat.」

「Is there a way to fight her? 」

「That girl, it seems like she was refining her magic power unconsciously to strengthen and harden herself, but she probably can’t use magic」

「I see, so she was a physical power type. Is what you are trying to say」

Exactly, is what she implied, then she started walking around thinking of something else.

Revenant continued the talks without minding her.

「However, If she is strong to the point of beating that, why not try to bring her over」

Hearing his next words, the woman snorted and started laughing.

「If it can be done, then it would have simple. I am also considered as a scholar so I don’t think it would be unreasonable『Unreasonable』, but in my current state it would be impossible, it’s normal for a child to enjoy a festival with someone watching over her after all. Besides, handling her would be too dangerous, even I won’t be able to hold her back if she were to forcibly retaliate」

「……I see」

Revenant lean back to his chair, and silence then dominated the room.

It seems like the woman was still thinking about something, then after a while tried to leave the room but faced back before doing so.

「What is it? 」

「About the research institute, I would like to see some results soon. Well, I would also like to check on those new weapons developed」

「Umu, then let’s arrange for it immediately」

Opening the door, the woman went out, Revenant followed after her after placing the documents he was handling on his desk.


Three days have passed since the time I’ve won the tournament, and it was one day before we leave the capital.

After coming to the capital I received directions from Lutie, won the battle tournament, and enjoyed looking around the stalls of the festival with mom, and I was very satisfied.

After all that, though I did win, I was thinking of giving the money to mom, but since mom already retired quite some time ago, her she was not using her guild card anymore, so instead, the prize would be delivered to our village at a later time.

We have been strolling around the capital in the past three days, to her surprise this time leave mom alone, Doppelganger was there too but haven’t spoken anything since then.

I wanted to talk to her about a lot of things, but for now it would be much better when we get back to the village and be able to talk without any worries.

That’s why, today I came to say goodbye to Lutie, and tomorrow we will leave in the morning at the same time we left the town before here, that’s why today is the only time for me to say goodbye to her.

「umm, is Lutie here? 」

The one inside was the gray-haired old man I’ve met before who seems to be the person in charge of this station, I was looking around inside the room from the window outside.

「My, maybe it’s her rest day today」

Hearing our voices, the old man sent his gaze towards us. Then he awkwardly approached the window walking with a cane, but well, all he needed to do was to sit near the window.

「Oh, I heard that the little lass defeated that boy. He has been going a little wild for a while now, so this should calm his nerves down. So good job.」

「Un, Thanks」

「So, why are you here today, did you come to see Lutie? 」


「She’s out on an errand at the moment, but she will be returning soon, you can wait here if you don’t mind」

「Un, understood」

After talking to me, the old man stare towards mom, then he places his hand on his chin thinking about something.

Mom also seems to be showing an awkward face whe she saw the old man, eh, what happened.

「Ohh, aren’t you that, the Tomboyish Rihanna」

「Oh please stop calling me with that already, you never change do you Griffit-san, it’s been a while」

「Tomboy? 」

When I looked at mom tilting my head, she quickly shook her head and said「Let’s not talk about the old days」and smiled awkwardly.

Old Man Griffit also made a loud laugh. you were acquainted with each other huh. If I weren’t mistaken, Griffit-san was supposed to be the retired Knight Commander right. 

「I see, so does that mean she is your daughter? Iya, it’s quite hard to believe knowing the you from before」

「People change as they grow older, even I am not exempted from that. I’m more curious about what happened to your leg though? 」

「Ah this, It’s because of a dragon’s curse that have gone from bad to worse, it was finally dispelled now though, so I might end up recovering soon」

「that looks really serious」

「Iya, it was quite bothersome not being able to walk before, but also thanks to that I was set free from all the work of for the knight commander, the busyness and troubles of that job have been handed down to that Vanil boy now.」

And so, Griffit-san and mom continued speaking with each other renewing about the latest information they know and stuff, I am now have free time, but Lutie still haven’t returned.

And then, the talks were forcibly returned back to stories of their older days and I was too free so I listened.

Mom seems to like doing everything on her own will, she was also very active and have been doing a lot quests, but you know, even though Griffit-san told me about the days that she reached B-Rank, I don’t really understand what that is like, I do know that they were supposed to be senior adventurers, but I don’t really know what mother is like in those days.

「Oh, why are you here Too, are you lost again? 」

When I was busy listening to the two, the door was opened, Lutie final returned.

I quickly raised my hands and stood up in reaction to what she said.

「I, not lost」

「Then, I’ll first clear up my luggage, just wait for a bit more」


Dashing inside the room, she places her bags and things she carry on a desk inside the room, she then returned to the station area.

「And so, did you need me for something? 」

「Because want to see you, came to say hello」[TL: This is not wrong grammar, it’s how Toto talks]

「Ah, now that you mention it, it’s really been a while since you’ve last visited, thank you for coming all the way here to visit me」

「This, will give you」

What I handed to Lutie was a palm-sized mysterious object, and was a recommended gift from one of the shops we visited yesterday when I was looking for a present to give to Rikka-chan. Lutie showed me a delighted smile after receiving the gift that I handed to her.

「U, Umm……what is this by the way」

When Lutie was finally focusing her sight on the mysterious object, she asked this. Un, That is certainly a normal reaction, I was the same after all when I bought that object.

It has one eye on the center and was surrounded by tentacle like things of different length surrounding it like petals……A flower maybe? It really gives off a mysterious image with the eye and the thorny body connected to its base. 

「Isn’t that just a perfect gift for saying goodbye」

……Doppelganger said.

「……Is that really so?」

If so then great, I will be happy giving her something good as a gift, still, she sure has quite a different aesthetic sense but I don’t really if the person would find it good or bad.

Well, it was when we’re walking around looking at street stalls that Doppelganger called out to me.

『Ahh, that, it was imbued with disease preventing magic, buy it now, it’s definitely a great bargain! 』


The person who was selling it didn’t what it does and only sells it saying this when we bought it, 「Eh, is it really ok for that child to take that strange thing? 」.

And so, after finally buying it, Doppelganger seems to be really satisfied with it, that’s why I thought that it was definitely something good, and I also know that she could see and understand magic from our fight with Vanil Mirth-san, that’s why I know that she didn’t just pick it up to harass me.

「But still I’m very happy receiving a present, I will definitely decorate it in my room」


「And so, when will you be visiting again? 」

「Hmm, Dunno, maybe in a year? 」

I have also informed Anse-san that I’m not sure if I can participate again in the tournament next year, and that I would like to join again if possible, I am the champion after all, and if I win again then there will be more money again.

It seems that the prize money would decrease if I was the winner though, but it was to make sure that the challengers are properly paid and I am only fighting once in the whole tournament anyway so I can agree to the deductions.

「yes, then is that all, I will be looking forward to seeing you again next time」

「Un, Be sure, Meet Again」

Well, I don’t know how strong the protection of that certain object, but I hope that she will be fine until the time that we meet again.

When I look towards mom, it seems like they have also finished, and so we said our goodbyes.

「Well then, we will probably come again around this time」

「Right, If there anything you want to ask to that Vanil boy, I can directly deliver it as the former knight commander」

「Hai hai, then till next time」

Mom then shook Griffit-san’s hand then walk towards me.

「so, did you say all you greetings? Shall we go then? 」


The next day, we got up early in the morning and went to ride a carriage, this time the escorts were a mix of D and C rank parties, they were also relaxed when they saw m for some reason.

This was usually the normal ranks that are accepted for guarding a carriage. Well it was quite strange for Hanno-san and Zanbara-san who were A Ranks to escort a carriage like the one we ride though, and their behavior was also kind of strange.

「Umm, you are the champion of the martial arts tournament, Toto-san right? 」

「We don’t need to confirm that you know……」

「Awawawa, we, we will do our job properlyー」

The one who asked first was their leader a purple semi-long haired girl, the one who stuttered hiding behind her was a pink short-haired girl, and the one who retorted the leader was a mint-green long-haired girl who was like a tsun and unwilling to smile but forcibly smile.

Judging from why they asked, probably was because they watched the tournament, and if it’s really that then I don’t really mind.

「Please take care of us」

If they are going to ask for some extra payment then I won’t give any, I haven’t received the price yet you know! 

Whispering this silently to their leader, she still answered that they would still do their best but was a bit dejected.


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