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「So, Toto-dono, where am I going to be dragged this time?」

「Err, sorry」

 It seems like I’ve only been dragging Lutie and since a while the number of open street stalls have changed, I haven’t seen any of it since a while ago.

「But you know, I didn’t really expect Toto-dono to be this strong, I didn’t expect to be physically dragged and could only follow along」

「Well that’s just how it is」

Fufum~, I am a powa type after all. No not that.

「This place, where?」

「Etto, Unn, ah, we are now close to the southern district, you can already see the battle stadium over there 」

 There was a really tall wall on the place where Lutie pointed, and that probably is the battle stadium.

I wonder if there’s a competition being held right now, I’m a little curious about it.

「Battle Arena, they doing something there?」

Asking her, Lutie waved her head.

「No, we don’t really use it every time, the most times we use it is for training of the Royal Knights」

「I see」

It will certainly be good to use it for training for the Knight Order, or maybe just a good place to train.

But right now is a festival, and maybe she didn’t hear anything about it.

While I was thinking about such things, Lutie continued.

「But you see, they say that there will be a fighting tournament tomorrow」


When thinking about things like that, it would be a mainstream for shounen manga which I’m not really that interested about it. Is that the kind of event where they determine the apex of warriors?

I also like fighting to test my strength but not that much, and I also don’t want to beat people up who are not innately bad.

And more than anything else, if I participate despite my age, it will really make me stand out.

「By the way, they say that the winner will be given a million Griss as grand price」

Let’s go, where will I register for the competition.

「Oh right, The knight grandmaster-dono who was the previous champion participates every time, and I think he will also be participating again this year――」

Stand out? Who cares about that? Money is Justice, and I will b able to do whatever I want if I have money. Yes, I have also the same motto in my past life that is 『Even if sentenced to hell depend greatly on money』, and surely in this it will mean much more in this world where money also exists.

「Heeey, are you listening?」

「Register, when?」

「Well, let’s see, the registration should start at 10 o’clock tomorrow, that is if you want to participate in the even… wait no way, don’t tell me, Toto-dono do you plan to join the battle tournament!? That’s just impossible, and its really dangerous too!!」

「Don’t worry, will beat them all」

「It’s not fine at all!! Its just impossible you know!!」

 Lutie was desperately trying to stop me and was attempting of dragging me away from the stadium, but all that effort is useless, I won’t be stopped by level of power. Ironically, because Lutie was trying her best to stop me, you could see drag tracks being created on the ground.

「There is no way the receptionist would allow you to register you know! There’s no that a cute little girl like Toto-dono would easily be accepted by the receptionist!! 」 

But you know Lutie that the 『cute little girl』you are talking about, is currently effortlessly dragging you, even though you are already resisting with all your strength.

Well, I guess she was too focused on stopping me that she didn’t notice this at all.

 After walking for a while dragging Lutie, I heard the ringing of the bells and then returned to my senses.

「Nn, what’s that」


Lutie who was holding slipped and fell because of me suddenly stopping.

Lutie was lying on the ground in大 shape probably because she was tired from being dragged by me.

「What are you doing」

「You’re too terrible you know!?」

I lend her a hand and pulled her up.

「Bell sound just now, what is it?」

「Bell you say? Ah, it’s the 4 o’clock bell signaling the stalls to prepare for closing and clean-up their area. After that the bell will be rang again at 5 o’clock, that time will be the signal for night shops to open.」

Is that so, it’s already 4 o’clock, I guess it’s already just the right time to return home after rethinking the time spent wandering until we reach here.

The battle tournament’s registration will still be open until 10 o’clock tomorrow, so maybe I’ll just register tomorrow. 


「What, why, what happened?」

「Must return home, promised mom」

「Do still remember your way back?」

I look around *Kyoro *kyoro but didn’t know where I was at, I could grasp the direction from where we came from though, but the area around the factory district was kind of complicated.

I think that it would be much safer if I asked Lutie to guide me back.

「Dunno, can’t find way」

「If you are returning, is it good if I guide you all the way to Jewel Inn?」

「Un, JiwelInn」

「Okay, understood」

 I was thinking that Lutie would only guide me a little, but it’s great that she’s be accompanying me until we reach the Inn. When we were wandering around, we were passing through an unknown route that Lutie suggested by the way, but this time she said that we won’t go back using that path. Basically we will be using the main streets to travel back. 

「Lutie, Sorry, wasn’t able to play a lot」

Because of me, I wanted Lutie to enjoy too, and when we were walking around she explained about certain places, and the time passed quickly. I wonder if it would have been much better to turn back and have Lutie enjoy it some more.

「Well, you don’t have to worry because I also enjoyed looking around the stores, that’s good enough」

「Is that so, then it’s good」

Well she did enjoy it although it and smiled at me, all I could do was return a smile to her.

Even though I was thinking of playing around, I didn’t really find any shops aimed for children like shooting stands or gold fish scooping, is there even anything like that to exists if we look around some more?

 After walking for a while, we finally reached Jewel Inn, and it was just a little time before 5 o’clock. I might have calculated it more than the amount we actually travelled.

「Will you be fine if I guide you until here?」


「Well then, thanks, I also had fun today」

「That, thanks」

After bowing my head thanking her, I saw her off while waving my hands until she turned in a corner, then after that I returned to the Inn.

 When I entered our room, I found my mom who probably had a lot of free time looking at a booklet that she placed in the room.

「I’m home」

「Welcome back, did you enjoy the trip?」

「Un, Lutie guided me around and it was fun」


「People from station guards, was really cute」

「Is that so, that’s great」

 And then, I took out a the box in my shoulder pouch, it was the soft healing box that I’ve bought as a present. 

「Here, souvenir」

「Oh my, is that the soft box?」

 She was pleased and gave me her thanks, I guess she was old enough to use such things is what I was told.

I hand out the package to mom.

「How to use it, want to see」

「Alright, it’s fine」

 When the box was opened, the smooth rubbery box was lightly crushed as if she was rubbing her hands. Then fluffy green balls that look like marbles started floating around surrounding us.

I see, so this is magic.

It made my body feel warm and comfortable, it felt like I was floating, the closest sensation I could relate this is probably close to the feeling of being immersed from a hot spring.

 It felt much more comfortable than I have expected, it is an item that is worth 4 meat skewers after all, and it would really be an indispensible item after a long trip.

Since it seems like mom hasn’t fully recovered yet and was still feeling heavy, she decided to look at a booklet which I also got curious about and was staring at it.

It was obviously not a handwritten one where the character group is evenly spaced which suggested that there is a kind of printing technology in this world.

It seems different to the book that Rikka-chan showed me before which was not a printed one, I still don’t know as to what level the printing technology of this world had, and it seems like booklet I have right now is the《 Standard 》type, and I didn’t know if Rikka-chan also have the 《 Standard 》 type ones.

I’m thinking that handwritten ones should be more expensive, but mom’s words aborted my thoughts.

「Thank you Toto, that really took a lot of my tiredness away」


「So then, will tell about what you’ve seen today, you enjoyed your time right?」

「Nn, well you see, there and this festival and, and ---」

What I told mom was the things I saw in the neighborhood.

The time when I met Lutie, the time when we were looking around west district, I also tell her that I had a great time while being guided around by Lutie.

That day, I told her all about the things I did, then we ate dinner and took a bath.


 When the two of them went to sleep, there was a girl with black hair and golden eyes--- the doppelganger standing in the corner staring at Tote who was asleep.

「Finally, it’s almost time is it? Let’s wait for a bit more」

She then fades into the darkness without anyone hearing what she muttered.

She then appeared close to Toto and grasped her back. 

「Hey, little girl, wake up」

Saying that loudly, she attempted rocking her from her back, there was no reaction of her hearing anything at all, even though she was already at the point of shouting, the results were the same.

「How long are is this one going to make me wait…」

She sighed after her failed attempts and flopped down on the ground, and then the girl with black hair and gold eyes, before everyone noticed, disappeared as if assimilating with the landscape.


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