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Two years have passed since I’ve met Rikka.

I have completely opened myself up to Rikka-chan, and right our relationship is that of playmates where people around us don’t about anything if we were together playing.

Rikka-chan have a weak constitution by nature, and most of the time she only remained holed up in their home.

I wonder if there is a type of recovery magic that could cure her.

「Rikka-chan, are you alright?」

「Yep, I’ll be fine if today.」

She always answers me with a smile, but there are times when her face actually turns blue.

I don’t really want her to push herself too much, so most of the time we are only studying language in her room.

Rikka-chan seemed to be interested in teaching me words and grammar, and she’s also making to teach me slow and precise for me to understand it easily.

I’m desperately doing my best to remember what she was teaching me as to not disappoint her.

She is gentle and patient, but thinking that she is only 5, but yet she totally doesn’t get bored if she was teaching me.

I am also really happy just listening to Rikka-chan’s voice, even if I don’t know the meaning, and also if our studies stopped, I don’t really know how I will properly learn.

That’s why I desperately try and learn as much as possible.

Well, thanks to that my language has improved bit compared to before where I could barely understand anything.

Talking was still a bit difficult because my pronunciation is not that accurate. But I can somehow get what I want to say go through.

One day, I found out that she really likes to read books, and Rikka-chan showed me a plain looking book that she have. It was only filled with a lot characters.

And also, all the contents look like they were hand written probably because printing technology was not yet established.

Now that I think about it, this was the first time I’ve actually encountered written characters other than numbers. As a result, it was unreadable to me.

「Where, get this?」

「Well, it was given to me by father」

Then I remembered that I don’t have anything resembling a book at home, is what I was thinking when she answered me.

Rikka-chan told me that her father was working in town. I wonder if books like these are sold in town. As expected, I won’t know not unless I went there.

「Can you remember this characters?」

「Na, uh, nope」

Rikka-chan asked me when I was deep in thought.

Currently I am already full with just listening to words, so learning characters is currently impossible.

「Is that so, that’s too bad」

When I declined the offer, Rikka-chan returned the book back at the shelf.

During days that Rikka-chan is not feeling well, I try to familiarize myself with my body’s performance.

I want to grasp this cheat like power that I possess.

What I have grasped so far was that I have enough to dent wood while only squeezing it lightly, speed so scary that when I ran at full speed I didn’t know where I ended at, and last is when I focus my sight and hearing, I could see distant locations and could even hear flickering leaves or animal movements from far away.

「Body, I wonder if it’s tough」

Today I would like to practice controlling my strength and was worried that I might hurt someone because of it.

The place I am right now is a wide plain not far from the village. The distance is around 5 minute walk from the village. With this distance, the probability of meeting anyone from the village is almost zero.

From where I stand I placed a large rock which I will be using as punching bag today to test just how strong I am.

The size of the rock is almost twice as big as my own so I can freely punch it as much as I want.

Probably, or maybe not, that is if I hit this rock with all my strength it might break.

I want to find the perfect amount of force needed to punch this without breaking for safety reasons.


When I did a full swing, a dreadful sound echoes and the rock in front of me was shattered.

As for my hands, it didn’t even hurt. It didn’t even turn red on the part that hit the rock. 

「……it was more than I expected.」

I felt better about that more than I thought, so I started looking for my next target (Rock).

I want to find something big enough to strike with my whole body.

And as a result of the check of several tests, my power can be compared to 『Physical Enhancement: EX』 if based on game skills. It somehow resembles that Black or White Girl somehow. [TL:Dunno the reference but the only one I know with black and white power girls would be “Kill la Kill”]

Ridiculous toughness, speed, kinetic vision and distant hearing were what I identified so far.

In my previous life, this type of power would be loved by boys whose main attractions were that of an action manga of a battle maniac protagonist than to girls where lines like 《I’ll do my best!! 》and being all sparkly is the norm.

Well I also yearn to be an adventurer though.

I was thinking about how strong the people of this world would be like, but I can’t compare it to anyone at the moment.

I am still scared to try out fighting monsters, so I’ll try grasping my abilities some more before I try doing that.

Yes, there are monsters in this world. I learned of it when I was still grasping my powers. That was when I was shocked at the speed of my run and some of those beast passed by my sight when I was trying to see just how long I could run in full power like that. The monster I encountered was green skinned, sharp shaped eared, big mouth with jagged fangs, thin arms and a small body size. It’s the so called Goblin. I don’t what they called that in this world.

Anyway, when I encountered that creature, I was scared to the point that I ran even further without looking back. Well, I wasn’t able to grasp my strength at that time but right now I knew that my punch was strong enough to shatter big rocks in a single blow.

I want to try fighting them again sometime, but I still don’t know if I’m strong enough.

It won’t be funny if I challenged monsters and lose because I couldn’t grasp my strength.

「Ah right, there’s also Magic」

I pushed the thoughts about fighting monsters at the corners of my brain for the time being and remembered about 『Magic』 which Rikka-chan taught me.

If there’s magic in this world, then I might be able to use it. We won’t if it would be included but I have cheat abilities!

I have never seen anyone use magic in the village, and Rikka-chan seems to have known about the conceptual part, but I still didn’t know if I have the aptitude for that.


Imagining the flow of magic in my hands I tried gathering it in my arms.

First is bringing mana which is the source of magic power inside the body, and then mix it further with the existing mana in the atmosphere.

What I imagine is a big explosion burning the image strongly on my brain. A very easy to understand concept right, it’s the image of destruction.

「It is now!!」

I faced my hands forward and imagined unleashing the mana!



Nothing Happened.

「Come on, Go!!」

No matter how many I tried the concept, nothing happened.

That’s funny…

『Is magic supposed to be something too intense for children!? Or maybe, I need to learn how to chant!?』

Don’t tell it’s a pattern like that?

I desperately attempted all possible ways to use magic, but it was all a failure.

As for the results, I’ve learned something.

The magic power that I was felt, was just a kind delusion.

In the first place, trying out magic without even knowing the concept on how to use it in this world is wrong.

The thing that Rikka-chan told me was apparently the same thing that they use in fantasies that I know of so I was thinking it would be the same, but there might be some special conditions to use it.

The people around the village were also unable to use magic, and because of that magic studies will be put on hold.

Haaaaah… I sighed as I ran going back to the village.


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