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"There are a few ruins in the Eastern Forest, but I've never heard of such an entrance."

Before returning to Feld Village, we dropped in at the guild to hear the team's story.

Reda-san was just sitting at the reception desk and I asked him about the ruins we found yesterday, but he didn't seem to know about them.

"There are big ruins buried underground in the eastern forest towards the northern mountains. It's said that it was originally the other way around, probably extended from the Misty Mountains of Nevia Montania."

"I had never heard of it."

"A D Rank adventurers don't visit underground ruins. The fact that they were found so close to the town means that there may still be ruins lying around that the guild doesn't know about..."

Reda-san couldn't decide based on a single word from him, so it appears that they would call the person in charge from the Lords' side and decide what to do at a meeting.

He said that they would have to investigate just to be sure.

"After confirmation, there might be a reward for the discovery, you know. We'll have some results in a few days, and I'll let you know."

"Okay, I'll let you know. And now that I'm C Rank, I'd like to hear the team's explanation."

"C Rank already? That's much quicker than I expected."

Today, we didn't show our card to the team because we were mainly here to listen to the team's explanation.

The receptionist didn't seem to have passed on the information to Reda-san, who rolled her eyes in surprise.

"Yes, I would like to know more about the location of the ruins, so I will explain it to you in the room."

She then looked at the map and told Reda-san the location of the ruins in detail. Rilfana, of course.

Clare and I just followed him as he collected, so there was no way we could remember the exact location.

Team was a kind of cooperative association of adventurers.

In games, they were often referred to as guilds, and in SeveChro they were referred to as well.

If you called it a guild, it would be like an adventurer's guild or a merchant's guild, so in this world of Virtuari, they started calling it Team.

It was probably related to reincarnated players, as it was founded around 300 years ago.

Team activities vary, ranging from small Teams of a few people who were always working together, not much different from a party, to large Teams who were active all over the country and in many places.

When you belong to a team, you all have the same Team name and Team crest on your guild card, and you can open an account for your Team.

The team also required the registration of a contact residence, which was often shared with other members.

Some small Teams only register a private room in a rented house, for example, for Team registration.

In such cases, it could be difficult to share a room for living, but such Teams would not be too concerned as they would not be actively looking to add more members.

Other advantages vary, depending on the team, but a large, well-known organization could provide backing.

Even if you have never met someone before, you can say, "I feel safe with someone from that Team, whom I always ask for help" or "If I do something to a member of that Team, there might be retaliation".

With a simple Team, there was not so much of an advantage.

There would be no chat system for team members like in games, or quests to try in Team, and so on.

In a Team with a few members, which was not much different from a party, money might be saved in a Team account in case something happened to a member.

A typical Team might have a party size of around four or five people to allow for large combat raids.

This would usually be around 20 to 30 people.

There was no limit to the number of party members, as this was not a game.

However, it was recognized that the maximum number of players that could be moved by one Directing Commander during a battle was about five at the most.

There seemed to be an unspoken understanding that a party was limited to six players, including the Directing Commander.

This might also have something to do with the distribution of rewards. If the share was too small, it would be impossible to make a living.

Of course, there would be no problem with a party of seven or eight people, as it would just be seen as unusual.

"You can join Team in the guild. All you have to do is hand in your documents to the receptionist with the members of the guild you belong to who have the authority to add members."

"What if I want to leave the team?"

"If you want to leave, you just have to come and hand in your Team withdrawal form. But you can't join another Team for three months after you leave the team."

"That's quite a long time."

"It's not overtly done, but it can be like a big team war. There's a lot of pulling out of the best members and proprietary requests."

"I see."

"The guilds don't interfere with the Team as long as there is no harm done to other adventurers or guilds."

Hmm, it was like a small-scale version of the wars between guilds in games.

"Well, the guilds keep a close eye on the Team in town, and there are no terrible Teams, at least within Sergeplant, so you don't have to worry about it, though Mina-chan and the others are good enough that they might be recruited from somewhere."

"I have an appointment with my dad, so I don't think I'll be joining the Team anytime soon."

I would not want to enter another team and risk being broken up because of my promise not to break up the party of me, Clare and Rilfana.

My ultimate goal would be to travel the world, so I have no intention of joining any other Team.

"Well, if you're interested in Team, you could try to make your own Team, or you could ask to join Alphos, although I'd have to ask him."

A Rank adventurer, wouldn't it be strange if Alphos-san and the others were making a team?

"I think Alphos' place had seven or eight Team, if it hasn't changed."

"What, not three?"

"Yeah, they're supposed to be working in two parties. I'm also the guildmaster, so you'll have to ask them about that."

I didn't think there were other members because there were three of us at the time of the ruins survey and the spider riot. I'll ask my father when I get back to the village.

The rest of the time we talked about the usability of Reda-san's house and showed him the weapons we had made.

I didn't bring out the sword of spirit silver mithril because I had left it in my Magic Bag and forgotten about it.

I told him I was going to stay in Feld Village for a few days and left the room.

I missed out on buying lunch in the square because I had been talking in the guildmaster's room for longer than I had expected.

"Sis, let's get some takeaway meat sandwiches."

"I don't remember there being a takeaway?"

"Oh my, such a service!"

"I heard they started recently."

Where did Clare hear about it? 

She has been going to the library and shopping in her spare time recently, and I wonder if that's when she heard about it.

I went to the meat sandwich shop and found that they really did do takeaways.

It was still just after the 3 a.m. bell, so they said they couldn't eat in the shop, only takeaway.

"Shall we go home then?"


"I bought some souvenirs."

I went to the Holy Kingdom's antenna shop to buy some soy sauce, but they had also started selling a small amount of sauce, perhaps because I had bought some at the Winter Market.

I also bought some yarn and fabrics that my mother might use, and some cooking utensils from Mineina, which should be enough for a month's worth of souvenirs.

I don't know if my dad didn't come to town or if we passed each other, but I didn't see him in town, so it's been about three weeks.

"I think there's too much sauce to eat outside, isn't it?"

"Sis, it's spilling out the other side!"

"Oh dear."

Meat sandwiches were a little difficult to eat outside. Improvements are needed...


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