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[Another Viewpoint] Murcia's Distress


With Dee, Arv, and a dozen or so other knights, we immediately headed for the gates, where we could see from a distance the march of a large group of knights coming down the mountain road, with the Wolfsburg Mountains in the background.

And the soldiers on top of the gates are looking at us, waiting for our orders.

"Open the gate! Open the gates!"

We hurriedly had the gates opened and waited at the gate with Dee and the others.

As soon as the gates opened, Count Venturi and his knights appeared. A white-haired, sharp-eyed, fierce man of many battles, Venturi looked at us and drew back his chin.

"Oh, Lord Murcia, son of the Marquis Fertio. I see that it was you who was put in charge of this key point. You are in excellent health, I see."

"Yes, sir, and I'm glad to see that Sir Venturi is in good health as well."

I returned a brief greeting, and Venturi nodded broadly and looked behind me.

"So, I see that you are the renowned dragon slayer Dee-dono...did you pull him out of Van?"

Venturi crossed his arms and mouthed this, and before I could answer, Dee shook his shoulders and burst into laughter.

"Wahahaha! No, no, I am indeed the Acting Knight Commander of the Knights of Murcia at the moment, but I intend to return to Van-sama's service in a little while! I will not give up the leadership of the Knights of Seat to anyone!"

As Dee replied, Venturi blinked and turned to look at us.

"...Knights of Murcia? Hmmm, isn't that the Marquis de Fertio's knighthood?"

Venturi looked dubious, but there was something subtly off about his expression. Perhaps he is able to guess somewhat, knowing that there is a knighthood of my name. In other words, he just wants to hear the answer to whether his guess is correct.

I don't know if I can meet their expectations, but I will tell them the situation honestly.

"I have received an official order from His Majesty. Since Van's power is needed for the invasion of Jiernetta Kingdom in the future, he asked me to help him with all my might. As a result, Van...no, Baron Van has been appointed Acting Lord of this renovated fortified city. We are already prepared to receive the Kingdom's army, so please come to the central fortress."

Having not had many opportunities to converse with the head of a major high ranking noble family, I nervously tried to explain the situation and show him the way into the castle. Then, Venturi raised an eyebrow and looked at the back of the room.

"...It looks like it's changed a lot since Baron Van built it, so it has a lot of character. So, what is the name of this citadel?"

Venturi asks me this, and I involuntarily clam up. Venturi raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

"What is it?"

Venturi asked again, and I was lost in thought.

"...This is the fortress of Murcia..."

Venturi laughed as I answered, letting out a gasp.

"So...the fortress was named by Baron Van?"

"...Yes, he did."

Venturi nodded in reply and smiled, his eyes narrowing.

"Hahaha! That's to be expected of Baron Van! Now then, tell me where my Knights are staying."

"Ha, yes...the inside of the fortress is a complicated structure. I will have a knight of the Order of Murcia show you around."

After saying this, he turned around and addressed the man standing next to Dee.

"Marcos, please guide the knights of Count Venturi's Order to the small castle in the back."


Marcos replied with a straight back and authority, stepping forward; Marcos is one of the knights I've known the longest. He is a small but well-trained elite and a useful magic user.

Marcos puffed his chest out as he made his way toward the head knight of the Counts of Venturi knighthood, a head taller than himself.

"My name is Marcos, Captain of the Order of Murcia! Then, this way please!"

Marcos said and walked to lead the way, and the knights bowed to us before proceeding. The Venturi knights were known for their warfare, and their movements were flawless.

After watching them off, Venturi pointed to the back of the gate.

"I'll wait here until His Majesty arrives. Where should I wait?"

"Oh, yes...I'll set up over there. Please wait a moment."

Venturi told me and I realized that I had to wait a bit longer than I thought. Inwardly impatient, I call the nearby soldiers and instruct them to set up their tents.

After confirming that the next group of knights will pass under the fortress gate, I give a light greeting to the nobles and the knight commander, and ask them to go to the back of the castle. Meanwhile, the place was ready enough for each noble to rest.

"Please, wait here."


We set up some chairs in the newly built tent, and lead Venturi and the other nobles in. Soon after, two groups of knights arrived. Since they were only a few knights each, they quickly greeted and showed them around.

Finally, a group of knights bearing the royal coat of arms arrived. A four-horse cart drove through the gates, and the Venturis emerged from inside a tent.

"Oh! That half-destroyed fortress has changed so much! I can't wait to see what's inside!"

His Majesty peeks out of the carriage, saying so in a good mood. It would be a shame if there was any disrespect. I must speak with a tightened mind....

I gulped unconsciously and a bead of sweat ran down my forehead.


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