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Hello everyone, just a quick update, I'll spare you all the details but we finally have an answer to the medical problem and long story short they have a blood clot in their calve with a second clot found in their lung tissue that required admittance to the ER. Suffice it to say I will probably be looking into commissions here soon as to cover medical costs since we live here in good ol' coorporate America. Thankfully the doctors seemed very hopeful that they would recover and I'm working with them closely to help them get mobile again, that said, I'll have more details on commission slots at a later date, but sometime soon.

I've been picking at the Sekmet animation and the project Rori video game in the down time but I won't lie I just haven't been feeling it due to all the stress, I'm feeling better now that we have a proper diagnosis, but please I implore you, if you in any way feel ill or tightness in any joints, strange bouts of coughing for no reason out of no where; please seek a diagnosis, if we had waited the clot in his lungs could have killed him, so I'm thankful we caught it early enough. Listen to your body, no monetary value can be put on future you's health.

I plan to stream here soon and I want to try and make it a semi-normal routine to get my mind off things now that he's home and I can keep an eye on him. I apologize for the break in content and should have something here soon for you all as the game is making steady progress and the next part of the Sekmet animation is almost polished and done.



We all hope and wish the better outcome, stay safe and take good care of them


hope all goes good take care