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  • Death_twerky_WIP4_lulz.mp4
  • Death_twerky_WIP4.mp4



Hello everyone! I experimented with trying to weight paint muscle groups on the wolf man to make him more muscular. There's not much to this update because I had Death's model break on me three times but I managed to get the wolf looking sorta muscular (what's your opinions on it?) and to get Death's phat arse looking bigger. You'll notice his sims are kind of "tight" due to his higher quality mesh, so this might be the final sims for death so I can move on to the tastier bits but I will try one more time once the last wolf is done, just to see if I can add more fluidity to Death's bunnz

I had issues with Deaths mesh breaking on three separate occasions, unsure of the exact "why" in this situation, to elaborate on the oddity, I baked his mesh and rendered it out, closed the program and upon re opening it, his baked render that I could see in the viewport, would never under any cirumstance, render out. I'm thinking it's a caching issue but there was nothing in memory so I'm clueless. The other oddity with high count meshes it seems is, creating a bind from the base mesh to it's simulation mesh is rough or impossible at best without heavy intervention.

I've set up precautions to elleviate this headache for the future, as it's quite a time burner to have to start over thrice, this was supposed to be up three nights ago when the issue arose. These issues only seem to happen on two models so far, Death and Sekmet, I believe it's just the vertex count as Valorynz's models are very high in detail and it seems to only be isolated to his models, at least so far anyways (2/5 models I've tested).

I included two videos with the "lulz" one containing noise to illustrate my how I feel at the moment for fun lol, thanks again for all your support everyone, now that this issue is behind me I can continue, apologies ^^;




Man even though this is a WIP those are some succulent balls.


Me personally, while a good idea, the more buff werewolf just doesn’t really work for me


Those balls and buns 🔥🔥 The muscular werewolves are great, however in my opinion the previous ones had an essence that makes them look hotter, whatever the result is, this is one of the animations that I most want to see complete, please keep it up! ^ ^