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Just finished writing the short story for my Tier 2 and 3 Patreons! It feels a little different then my normal stuff, at least I think so. This image is the inspiration for the writing. I don't necessarily know the story behind this image, but it has inspired me to write something based on what I see. I'm going to try my hand at some drawing for this story so it may take just a little bit to come out. Very excited to share it with you all when I'm done!




So history story time for the picture! In 1842, a colonel in the Dutch cavalry, JWC van Gorkum, married a woman known as JCPH van Aefferden. The union was controversial — van Gorkum was Protestant and van Aefferden was Catholic. Despite the prevailing culture at the time, the two remained married for decades, only separating when van Gorkum died in 1880. But when van Aefferden passed away eight years later, she couldn't be buried with her late husband; even in death, Catholics needed to stay with their own. While alive, she made her wishes clear — she did not want to be buried in her family tomb, and, instead, wished to be as close to her husband as possible. So that is what you have with the picture. A married couple wanting to be with each other even in death. Even if that means they could only hold hands for all eternity.


What a great history lesson! I didn't want my story to be influenced by the true story so I didn't do any reading on it, but it's very interesting! I hope you don't mind that my story differs from the real one. 😊

John Riney

Can’t wait 😊 🤝