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Hello! Sorry for the lack of duck updates, it has been a very busy week. Started summer school, both teaching on the elementary level and attending classes on the college level. It has been a very busy and full week but I think it should hopefully start to wind down soon. Baby Luther is doing wonderful he's getting bigger and loves to hangout on my lap when I'm working. I am currently in the process of finishing up the patreon short story and hope to have it posted by tomorrow. I will also be posting a Stardew Valley video soon in the next few days! That's all for now, just wanted to share a cute duck picture and let you guys know the tier 2 story should be out tomorrow 😊 hope you are all doing wonderful!




You teach! I teach as well. What do you teach?


Nice. I help students with autism in high school.Mine are on the high side of the spectrum. It's a rewarding job teaching in general. Great to have you on the same team 👍 😀