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Okay, so it's the detective's first time.  How's is going?



now friends... what did you picture when i said he gets a lil carried away?


I picture him over analyzing things to make it the best possible experience and he ends up getting a little carried away in the sense of not just letting things happen naturally and going off of what he has researched. If that makes sense lol


Like maybe he read a lot of different things that people like and he wants to try them all?


I think he tries to over-optimise the whole encounter based on research because he's nervous but when he finally relaxes into it he loses his sweet mind.

Lean Chanel

he's never done it before so he's not expecting it to be as good as it is.. 👉👈 he's caught off guard and totally swept away & ends up being really forward, loud, cursing & begging, etc... and then he's super embarrassed afterwards 🤭