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alright, so praise, heavy breeding, and overstim it is!  honestly i feel like a lot of the same kinks are winning over and over again -- let me know what you think in the comments about maybe limiting the choices moving forward so that some others have a chance ??  on one hand, i know there are a lot of sensitive girlies listening that don't want to hear that hard stuff (impact play, degradation, choking etc), but on the other... i also don't want all of our audios to be soft doms with breeding kinks LOL.  so anyway, drop your thoughts on that in the comments.

for this script, let's mix things up!! pick an object and we'll use it to spice things up a bit 🔥🔥



Maybe an odd thought, but I’m not opposed to spice where the guy is wearing a skirt…🫣

H. Banana

I would definitely be in favor of the kink options being switched up from poll to poll, like temporarily leaving off the more popular ones for a while or something like that.

TonoRadish .

Whoever he is PUT HIM IN A SKIRT ✨


I think that the style/personality of the character in the audio should be considered re: kinks. For example, rhe Anigomi characterization of L Lawleit makes him seem inexperienced and soft, so it would be kind of strange to make him a hard dom (based off of a poll).


But it also wouldn't hurt to add more kinks, or even groups of kinks to the polling lists, inorder to diversify. For example, have 4 groups of 4, with the popular kinks grouoped in with less popular ones. Idk if that makes sense.

Satori Goku

I think you should do whatever you want if people are sensitive they don’t have to listen yes it is good to get opinions but at the end of the day it is your channel and patreon so you do what you like


Yeah tbh was getting a lil tired of the soft dom stuff. Sometimes you want the hard stuff but it’s hard when most softness takes over the polls.


You can have so much fun with a tie.


I think we’re still gonna keep things open in that regard! It’s fun for writers to flex their writing chops and “make it work” sometimes in those situations :)


I think it would be fun to have a set polls strictly for a hard dom and a soft dom separately! I know it would be a lot to do them both but it would mean giving people the option to vote on which character is what role while guaranteeing the role? And also subsequently whatever kinks suit those particular positions being made into the follow up role. The same can be said for a submissive role. I hope this makes sense


Also totally fair 👍 I've never been disappointed by any of the stories so far, so i believe in their abilities 😊


Definitely trim down the popular options (temporarily, or with an exception for characters rarely picked)!


Would anyone be apposed to a inosuke audio 🤔 just asking or a kirishima audio

Paige Murphy-Baxter

What about Knife play? Like the threat of death if we’re not good. That’d be fun.