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First of all, for everyone who has stuck with me here during this time I'd like to say thank you. Not uploading has always been a point of anxiety for me as I basically fear that everyone will disappear. So, it has been hard not recording and posting audios as frequently as I would. Especially with how dedicated I was to uploading consistently.

A lot of you know that I have been grieving. And it has been very difficult for me. I have Cluster B disorders, and those traits/symptoms have been exacerbated by this a lot which only makes things harder.

That being said, I am getting more comfortable with recording again. My birthday is coming up soon (2 days after Christmas) and normally, this time of year my mood gets a bit weird. That being said... new year, new uploads. I have a couple which I may post this month. But I'd like to get back into the swing of things soon.

Thank you all for your patience 🙏🏼


Lexi Elizabeth

Happy early Birthday, because I know I'll forget in two days! I'm glad you're getting better. I lost someone in my family just before Thanksgiving and this is now the first Christmas without my Grandma now. the grieving process is slow for me.