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We made it to December folks! 2023 is nearly at a close and it's been quite the year!

To say this year for me has been an experience is putting it lightly, filled with lots of highs and some lows. I know it is a very cliché thing of me to say though it has to be stated, that this series and project would not be where it is today without the consistent support of you guys. Myself and the whole team are incredibly grateful to you all for checking out our comics week after week, and getting invested in the characters and strange worlds that are being built to make something totally new!

My passion for this series is at an all-time high and the goal of turning this project into a high-quality, consistent comic hub where people can come to enjoy various lewd stories is beginning to manifest.

To look back on some of the achievements that came about because of your belief in us, here's a brief rundown

- Issue #1 of GoS Released!

- Mysteries of Moraq Began

- An entire world full of species and planets began forming

- Issue #2 nears completion with streamlined efficiency

- We made it into the top 500 adult comic creators

- Our artists got fed 

As you can see above, December is not slowing down, we got tons of new art, more pages, more species, a few cool worldbuilding additions, and boobs, lots of boobs.

Hoping to see you all in the new year, and have a good holiday!

- Cryo <3




Are you planning on taking Astra back to Urgo’s eventually?