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Hey again.

February update, right where do we start.

Some things that are changing (and some that are not) going forward:

  • I no longer plan to release a GoS page every week, I’m giving my artist more time to work on the series to get it right. Being freelance they have a lot of projects they work on and it’s not fair if I’m putting pressure on both them and myself. The aim will still be 3-4 pages every 5-10 days but with less deadline crunches, we’re not a soul sucking office, blech!
  • I’ve found some really great artists who make fantastic content for Galaxy of Scum. I couldn’t do any of this without their amazing efforts and I appreciate them all, I’ll be continuing to work with them, while also bringing some new artists on board!
  • Working to be more distinct. More originality where it’s appropriate and try new things. The story is just getting started after all, I have lots of ideas I wish to showcase going forward. New icon, new themes, new characters etc.
  • Taking my time: I’m gonna try to keep updates to a minimum going fourth, plans don’t always work out and I wish to work longer on ideas.

Thank you to all of you who continue to stick around while I get the hang of all this. I can and will do better. Valentine’s Day is coming up, so I wanna make some themed content for it so stay tuned :).



(Miz theme song plays in background) sounds like a plan Cryo, giving the artists breathing room, stuff like this cannot be rushed and requires tons of patience. As of the office, yes its a soul sucker even if its a govt office job its a soul sucker (although its the easiest thing Ive ever done in my entire life, easier than household chores & errands).