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Well the first month is in the books, and that means that it's time to reflect and see how things are going for the start of the year.  It's been a month with a few highs and lows and a few resolutions tossed into the mix for good measure.  Let's just roll quick on what was accomplished and whats going on.

Talon, Tooth, and Paw launched:  This launch has taken up quite a bit of my time and after a few months of preparation Raven, Darkwitt, and I have gotten everything up and running.  I'll be taking care of the writing and programming portion of the game we are creating as well as lending a major hand in the marketing/social media, the latter of which was why I was so busy.  With my part mostly done I can focus more on other things now while the other two finish off their assets.

Book scale back for Smilodon Studio:  I had mentioned this before but true to form I'll be working less on book publishing books for the foreseeable future.  Between the time reclaimation and the cost of book covers it's time and money put to other projects.  Plus with the lack of convention dealer's dens that I got into it makes little sense to go full steam ahead on such projects.

Webcomics:  Webcomics have started to come out!  We got Kento and Baogacc already on their first pages with Shinyheartbeats coming up with their first page soon, and we have Vene with the hive snake comic now scheduled for May.  Not a bad offering if I do say so myself, especially as we continue on with the series.

Writing goals:  I didn't do as much writing this month due to aforementioned projects above, but with Iron Pen coming up soon I didn't stress too much on it.

Speaking of Iron Pen, as announced before the date for it to start is now March 4th; the reason being is mostly administrative in nature.  Among my other activities I also do the books for Freedom of Form Foundation, and I need to get a few things done by the end of Feb for that as well as having FurSquared coming up here real soon.  Instead of trying to do all that plus 20k words a day I decided to just push it back a few weeks, especially since my pickings for cons this first seven months are slim.

So for Feb the main focus will be on game dev, looking to build out a few twine games that are going to be short, sweet, and very fun.  I do have the Bal'Kar story build-out too, so there's that.

Well that's it, thanks everyone for a great first month!


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