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So this was quite the month!  This one is going to be quite short because the main thing that I did was write, write, write.  Still writing in fact.  ^. .^  The result is five books and twelve short stories that are all ready to go here, some of which you've already seen with a few more that are coming down the pipeline.  The Iron pen will finish on March 4th and by that point I will have written over 500k words.  That will be the last of the scheduled writing too, coming into March there will be nothing scheduled as far as writing.

So what's happening next month, anything I want basically!  With no writing except for the patreon project and one other thing I have plans on focusing on the game while also working on the website and a few other things that I've been putting off.  I've been looking forward to letting my creative juices flow when it comes to this sort of thing and it seems with the new schedule I'll finally be able to do it.

Speaking of new schedule with the success of Iron Pen I'm now relegating my scheduled writing periods to three 400k word blocks in Feb., June, and Oct.  Everything will be done during that time including anthologies, and though that doesn't mean I won't write in the interim when I have a block filled anything after that will be scheduled for the next Iron Pen.  It's still 1.2 million words on schedule and frees up the rest of my time for other things and also I don't have to plan writing around cons.  I'll be putting up notices on my FA and potentially the discord so anyone thinking of commissioning me will know what my openings are.

That's about it, thank you everyone for being a patreon and I'm hoping you are here for a lot more content coming your way!


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