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Hey everyone,

So in August I had ran a few polls to see about adjusting a few things in order to help keep the patreon fresh and to introduce new opportunities as well as get rid of a few stale rewards that don't quite fit in with how I do things anymore.  So far these are some ideas that I had and used the polls to help figure out which ones would be the best.

$1:  Quartz Sabrewolf

Retaining rewards:

- Tip jar

Additional rewards:

- Commission priority

$3:  Opal Sabrewolf

Retaining rewards:

- Early Access to Short Stories

- Exclusive Poll Access

- Exclusive Story Access

Additional rewards:

- Monthly Q&A stream

$5:  Amethyst Sabrewolf

Retaining rewards:

- Special Discord Role

- Early Access to Long Stories

Additional rewards:

- Monthly Hangout

Deleted rewards:

- Commission Priority (moved to $1)

$10:  Emerald Sabrewolf

Retaining rewards:

- Access to Games

- Voting on Short Game project

Additional rewards:

- Game with the Sabrewolf

- Behind the Scenes videos

Deleted rewards:

- 5% off commissions

$25: Sapphire Sabrewolf

Retaining rewards:

- Private telegram group access

- Cameo priorities

Additional rewards:

- Free picture commission (500 words)

Deleted rewards:

- 10% off commissions

(A limit of 20 will be put on this tier)

$100:  Diamond Sabrewolf

- no changes

As always if you have any ideas let me know down in the comments below, the changes will probably take place in October and I will probably keep looking at it for other potential tweaking.


Fenekku Kitsune

What is "Game with the Sabrewolf"? owo


Playing games with me, stuff like Apex and other multiplayer games. ^. .^